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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Brian & Rachel Parker
Brian and Rachel are part of a team in the Central African Republic (CAR) that supports national Bible translation in more than a dozen languages....
Gavin & Carrie Jones
Gavin and Carrie Jones raised their son, Isaac, and quintuplets Will, David, Marcie, Seth, and Grace, in Papua New Guinea (PNG). They have...
Nelson and Marilyn Blank
Nelson and Marilyn serve together to Encourage, Equip, and Enable Wycliffe missionaries around the world. They provide resources, advice, and...
Gerson & Katie Cal
Gerson and Katie serve in Guatemala with their four young children. Gerson worked for the Guatemalan translation organization as a translator in...
Jonathan and Jenny Fix
The Fixes’ desire and call is to eradicate the Bible-less community. To work toward this goal, Jonathan and Jenny joined Wycliffe in 2013....
Anya Ezhevskaya
God has been patiently and relentlessly pursuing Anya to join the Wycliffe movement. For over twenty years He whispered a call to loving people of...
Michael & Claudia Rudd
Asia, Pacific, Southeast Asia
The Rudds are deeply passionate about the transformative power of God’s Word. Michael spent several years overseas as a missionary kid, where he...
James and Christina Post
The Posts are excited about the exponential impact they are able to have through training and supporting missionaries and Bible translators around...
Michelle Foster
Michelle loves helping mobilize Wycliffe missionaries who are EXTREMELY good at what they do but wrestle with how to grow their ministry team and...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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