A Complete Bible for the Wounaan

Church leaders of the Wounaan community in Panama have decided that their New Testament translation requires some revision. Additionally, local churches are translating the Old Testament into the Wounaan language so they can finally complete their Bible. Though this community is still in the beginning stages of their Old Testament translation, the work is already making an impact. Here are two stories that show how God is touching lives in the Wounaan community through clearly translated Scripture.
As the portion of Scripture was read aloud, the audience listening sat awestruck.
The biggest shock wasn’t that the text was read in Wounaan, the language spoken by those listening. No, what surprised the audience most was that the reader was a child. Moreover, this was the child’s first time ever reading in her language.
This scene took place during a local Bible month celebration. Church leaders held a reading contest in which participants of all ages would read passages from Genesis and Ruth produced by the Wounaan Bible translation team. By the end of the event, the contest stood as a testament to how accessible Wounaan Scripture is for all members of the community.
Stories such as this have popped up since the start of the project. On another occasion, the translation team was planning to do a reading of the Book of Jonah for a group. Before the activity began, a teenager volunteered to help the team prepare the material and was surprised by how well he understood the translation. Even local pastors have noticed a difference in their own comprehension of biblical passages.
From the younger members of the community to the eldest, God’s Word is planting itself anew in the hearts of Wounaan people. They’re so impacted by what they’re reading that they can’t help but share their amazement with others. Your gift will help Wounaan speakers receive more of God’s Word in their language, translated accurately, clearly and naturally.