First Scripture Bundle

Can’t decide which first Scripture gift to give? Consider giving to the First Scripture Bundle to help even more people receive God’s Word in a language and format they clearly understand. Your gift will provide people in Eurasia, the Pacific and South Asia with their first Scripture. The Tomako Cluster project of the Solomon Islands in the Pacific is one example of how you can make an impact through the First Scripture Bundle.
Birao is one of the 11 languages within the Tomako Cluster in the Solomon Islands. The Birao people were encouraged after engaging with Scripture translated into Solomon Islands Pijin — a language of wider communication in the country.
Though Birao is the language closest to their hearts, many villagers can comprehend Pijin more clearly than English. Few had interacted with the Pijin Bible before, so they were amazed by how much more they could understand it compared to the English translations they were using.
The people reasoned that, if reading Pijin Scripture was better for them than reading the English translation, then reading Birao passages would be 10 times better! Now, community members are hungering for Scripture in their language.
Several Birao speakers are now training to join the Bible translation staff. One potential person was considered for translation training, but the team has identified other valuable skills he can use to better serve the cause. He is projected to help with Scripture engagement, translation awareness efforts and more — a clear example that the Lord uses each person’s skills to accomplish His work.
God also worked in a different way to accomplish His purposes recently when a community member stole money from a project adviser. Villagers expressed disdain for the thief, but the Birao team used this as an opportunity to practice forgiveness.
Forgiving the thief demonstrated a biblical response to a challenging situation.
The community could clearly see the team’s Christian values rooted in Scripture. Each day, the staff move another step closer to distributing the translated Word among their people. Your gift helps meet first Scripture needs in these 11 communities.
Please prayerfully consider how you can help impact Bible translation in the Pacific, as well as Eurasia and South Asia, through the First Scripture Bundle!