Be a Part of Completing the Bible for the Guley People
“Indescribable joy.”
Clément, a Guley pastor, used these words to describe how he felt when he first received the New Testament in his language a few years ago.
Before its publication, he had to depend on Bible translations in French and another local language called Ngambay whenever he preached or led small-group studies. While both are widely spoken in the region, the Guley people don’t know these languages as well as their own.
As a result, many people — even church leaders like Clément — struggled to grasp the teachings of Scripture.
But all that changed once the Guley New Testament became available.
“I had been trying to get across some ideas which were difficult to translate,” Pastor Clément said. “When [they were in our] own language, it was as if a bright light was shining on what I was reading to make it easy to understand.”
Now, Guley Christians are eager to have the complete Bible in their language. Translating the Old Testament will, as Pastor Clément puts it, allow the community to “benefit from the marvels of the Word of God.”
Only 10% of the Guley population identify as Christians. Some people adhere to another major world religion, but most follow a traditional religion in which they worship multiple gods. These beliefs and practices dominate most aspects of daily life in the Guley community.
After project leaders identified the pressing issues that the Guley community faces and considered possible solutions, they reached the consensus that Scripture is the key. “Only the Word of God can save,” a project coordinator said. “And ... in order for it to be well understood, it has to be translated into the heart language.” Old Testament portions will shed light on the one true God’s character and attributes, and give a fuller picture of His redemptive plan for humanity.
Guley church leaders also believe that having the full counsel of God’s Word will be key in helping the community address widespread practices of idolatry as well as social issues. Your gift will help the Guley people complete their Bible.