start your
journey today!
Join us on a journey to see people from every nation and language worship God before His throne (Revelation 7:9). Travel the world virtually with Wycliffe and pray along the way!

The ultimate destination for our journey is the day when people from every nation and language can know Jesus through His Word.
Like you, we believe the Bible is God’s Word to us and we want everyone to have it! When people can access Scripture translated in their own language, lives and communities change in amazing ways!

Something special happens in our hearts when we see the impact of our participation in Bible translation: joy! It’s the joy of both a purposeful life here on earth and ultimately eternal life in Christ.

You might have guessed that our organization is named "Wycliffe Bible Translators" after theologian and Bible translator John Wycliffe and you'd be correct! He believed that everyone should be able to have a Bible they could understand, and that's what we believe too.

Founded in 1942, Wycliffe Bible Translators USA is passionate about the power of God's Word in a language that touches hearts. We want all people to access all of God's Word in their language!
Learn more about Wycliffe >>
the power of prayer

Sign up for a series of emails that will take you on a prayer journey around the world. When you sign up, we'll send you our interactive travel journal full of inspiring stories, beautiful sights, amazing people and interesting countries. Plus you'll find hidden treasures throughout!
We take your privacy seriously so we’ll carefully protect your information.

start your
journey today!
Join us on a journey to see people from every nation and language worship God before His throne (Revelation 7:9). Travel the world virtually with Wycliffe and pray along the way!

The ultimate destination for our journey is the day when people from every nation and language can know Jesus through His Word.
Like you, we believe the Bible is God’s Word to us and we want everyone to have it! When people can access Scripture translated in their own language, lives and communities change in amazing ways!

Something special happens in our hearts when we see the impact of our participation in Bible translation: joy! It’s the joy of both a purposeful life here on earth and ultimately eternal life in Christ.

You might have guessed that our organization is named "Wycliffe Bible Translators" after theologian and Bible translator John Wycliffe and you'd be correct! He believed that everyone should be able to have a Bible they could understand, and that's what we believe too.

Founded in 1942, Wycliffe Bible Translators USA is passionate about the power of God's Word in a language that touches hearts. We want all people to access all of God's Word in their language!
Learn more about Wycliffe >>
the power of prayer

Sign up for a series of emails that will take you on a prayer journey around the world. When you sign up, we'll send you our interactive travel journal full of inspiring stories, beautiful sights, amazing people and interesting countries. Plus you'll find hidden treasures throughout!

We take your privacy seriously so we’ll carefully protect your information.
"After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb."

PO Box 628200 Orlando, FL 32862 | 1-800-WYCLIFFE | info_USA@wycliffe.org
©2025 Wycliffe Bible Translators. All rights reserved.