Derwin has a big heart for missionary kids and their families, and he volunteers with Refuge 139, a program of JAARS, one of Wycliffe’s primary partner organizations. "Mr. Donut," as he is known by on the field, has helped facilitate programs for them in Mexico, Malaysia, Brazil, Cameroon and most recently, Germany.
Wendy has a role in the Advancement department where she helps bridge the gap between the needs of the work going on in the field and solutions provided by Wycliffe financial partners, all in an effort to ensure the Bible translation movement is adequately funded. She does this primarily by investing in relationships with, and ministering to, Wycliffe donors.
The Pensons are based at Wycliffe headquarters in Orlando, and travel as needed.
Derwin and Wendy met at the tender age of 17 and have been “joined at the hip” ever since. The Pensons have been married for over 34 years. After 24 years of marriage, the LORD led them to adopt a sibling group of 3 children: Ebony, Nevaeh and Skylar and they have now been a “forever family” for more than 10 years.
How can you make a difference?
PRAY for God’s will to be done in the lives of the members of the Penson family to the same extent that his will is done in heaven. For more specific ways to pray, sign up to be a prayer partner.
ADVOCATE: Do you know someone who would enjoy hearing about the Penson family and their work? Consider introducing them.
GIVE: Wycliffe establishes a Ministry Budget for its missionaries. Receipted contributions directly impact missionaries’ ability to begin and remain in their assignment.
Gifts of Financial Securities
If you own securities and want to make gifts toward Bible translation, there are several options for you to give more to Wycliffe at less cost, without incurring capital gains taxes.
For information about giving stocks, mutual funds or other securities, email us at [email protected]
or call 407-852-3633.
Missionary Partnership Plan
With just one gift, you can continue partnering in the Wycliffe ministry of your missionaries now and after your lifetime.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Over fifteen thousand U.S. companies match their employee contributions to charitable organizations like Wycliffe. Use our online tool to find out if your employer will match your gift.
Give by Phone/Mail
While giving online is fast and easy, it may not fit your style. To make your credit card gift by phone, please call:
1-800-WYCLIFFE (992-5433)
To give by mail, please send gifts to:
Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862
If you have a preference for a specific ministry, please include a note stating your preference.
To set up an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), please complete this form: