While working in Houston, she enrolled in Dallas International University's (DIU) World Arts PhD program and graduated with honors a few years later. DIU works closely with Wycliffe to provide all of the education for the organization's translators, literacy and scripture development workers, and arts consultants and advocates (this is where Anya fits in). Now DIU has invited Anya back to a full-time professorship, to train, teach, and minister to students who are planning their overseas work in using the arts to help communities thrive in a closer union with their Creator. To make the move to Dallas and her professorship a reality, Anya and her family are inviting YOU to partner in prayer and financially with her on this new adventure.
As a professor at Dallas International University, Anya will not only participate in the educational lives of her students and colleagues, but she'll conduct anthropological and artistic research, present at conferences, write papers, and engage with the greater academic community. The academic research is an important part of her ministry because, leaning into her Presbyterian background, she believes that she can serve God well by using her mind well. Although her research is diverse, ultimately it aims to contribute to the flourishing of individuals and communities around the world.
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Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862
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