In August 2018, David and Katherine began their second period of ministry in Holzhausen, Germany, which lies between Frankfurt and Cologne. There, David manages the IT systems and services used by Wycliffe Germany and the Karimu International Conference Center. Katherine oversees the library of Wycliffe's German-language training program, "Seminar für Sprache und Kultur".
From 2011 to 2017, David worked with Wycliffe's Europe Area office in Holzhausen. He helped support the networks and equipment in the many Wycliffe offices throughout Europe. He also provided service to people doing language work in Africa and western Asia, where local computer staff are often lacking.
Between 2004 and 2011, David provided computer help for Wycliffe and its partners in Dallas, Texas, diagnosing and repairing problems both on-site and in remote parts of the world. Prior to that, Katherine (since 1995) and David (since 1997) were engaged in language survey work in Tanzania and Nigeria. They also helped develop training resources for new language surveyors.
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