Ryan Buttacavoli
Despite the Bible being God’s written Word to us, many people groups in Nigeria still lack the Scriptures in their heart language. People want to hear God’s Word speak to them! The goal of Ryan’s work is for the Nigerian people to read and understand the Scriptures in their own language and know how much God loves them.
Ryan loves Jesus with a passion and sees God guiding him to work in Bible translation. Ryan has spent the past ten years learning Greek, Hebrew, Biblical exegesis, and linguistics, living in other countries, and teaching English so he can join in the task of Bible translation. He enjoys cross-cultural experiences and seeing the diversity of God in all parts of the world. Ryan is excited to see God change lives through His Word by opening people’s hearts to Jesus.
Ryan is beginning his Partnership Development and is praying for God to guide the right partners to him. Please consider involvement with Ryan’s Wycliffe ministry through prayer and financial partnership! Ministry partners are greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
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Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862
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