After serving in Cameroon, Africa from 2017-2019 and again in 2022, the Armfields are back in the USA where they are serving in support roles for Bible translation.
Joe is a Partnership Development coach and is responsible for helping new missionaries when they first become Wycliffe members. Joe loves working with, training, coaching, encouraging, and praying for new missionaries as they learn how to build their team of partners so they can go and serve all over the world!
Emily's main role is taking care of the kids and homeschooling Joseph. Both Joe and Emily are a great team when it comes to parenting and also helping to meet Jonah's special medical needs. Together, they show that supporting Bible translation takes a team!
Please pray for them and consider investing in their Wycliffe team of partners to enable them to continue supporting the work of Bible translation as a PD coach. Your financial giving will potentially impact people in all areas of the world! They currently have 15% left in their Wycliffe ministry budget to be fully funded.
The Armfields would love connect with you and share their heart’s passion for what they do and get to know you better. Click below to connect or to give a one time or monthly gift to their Wycliffe ministry. God bless you!
Gifts of Financial Securities
If you own securities and want to make gifts toward Bible translation, there are several options for you to give more to Wycliffe at less cost, without incurring capital gains taxes.
For information about giving stocks, mutual funds or other securities, email us at [email protected]
or call 407-852-3633.
Missionary Partnership Plan
With just one gift, you can continue partnering in the Wycliffe ministry of your missionaries now and after your lifetime.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Over fifteen thousand U.S. companies match their employee contributions to charitable organizations like Wycliffe. Use our online tool to find out if your employer will match your gift.
Give by Phone/Mail
While giving online is fast and easy, it may not fit your style. To make your credit card gift by phone, please call:
1-800-WYCLIFFE (992-5433)
To give by mail, please send gifts to:
Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862
If you have a preference for a specific ministry, please include a note stating your preference.
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