Chris works with a team to develop the computer software used by Bible translators and language workers worldwide. This allows faster, more accurate, and more meaningful Bible translations. Wycliffe’s vision is to see God’s Word accessible to all people in the language that they understand best so that everyone has an opportunity to have an intimate and life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
After 17 years in the commercial software industry, Chris attended the Last Languages campaign and caught the vision of how God might use his skills in software development to assist in the process of translating the gospel into the many heart languages of unreached people groups.
Chris is one of the developers of Scripture App Builder, a software tool that allows missionaries in the field to build customized Scripture apps for a specific community with Scripture in their language(s). The missionary building the app can include audio, illustrations, maps, links to videos (like the Jesus Film or Gospel Films), reading plans, verse of the day, quizzes for comprehension, and verse-on-image to allow the user to share Scripture on social media for evangelism and encouragement. The user of the app can search, request reminders for verse of the day and daily reading, and save notes, bookmarks, and highlights.
The software is free and is used by hundreds of organizations, creating thousands of apps, used by millions of people. To protect the identity of missionaries working in sensitive areas, we do not collect analytics of people using Scripture App Builder. Here is what we know: 60 Million App Installs.
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Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862
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