As a pilot/mechanic, Wojtek is supporting Bible Translation by aiding in the transport of translators and fellow missionaries to and from remote villages that cannot be accessed by road. The work of aviation in PNG cuts decades off the process of translating the Bible. When he is not working at aviation Wojtek's focus is on building relationships through basketball ministries and the local Tok Pisin speaking community always looking for opportunities to share the gospel and disciple.
Jen is using her skills as a Registered Nurse serving the people of PNG as well as fellow missionaries at a local clinic in Ukarumpa. Being the hands and feet of Jesus and ministering to the physical needs of people leads to opportunities to minister them spiritually as well, especially through prayer and the building of relationships. When Jen is not working at the clinic her focus is on working with Papua New Guinean children and youth through teaching Sunday School and Youth Bible Study. Jen is passionate about children and youth as they are the backbone of society. Many of these children would never have opportunity to hear the gospel outside of their Sunday School class.
Since missions is a family calling, the Z-kids minister alongside us while attending an international school in Ukarumpa. Through their friendships and smiling faces they bring a myriad of children and youth through the doors of our home. Ariana (13) also works alongside her mom in assisting the teaching of Sunday School.
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P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862
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