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Bible Translation, Scripture Access

5 Ways You Can Pray for People Groups in Tough Places

Aug 20, 2018
Person holding Bible standing in a field

Much of the remaining work of Bible translation is happening in countries where the gospel isn't welcome. Would you like to partner with people in these difficult areas of the world, but don’t know how?

As prayer partners, we can connect with people groups and their work through prayer. It's a significant part of Bible translation! But how can we pray when we often don't know specific details? How can we pray when we don't know the real language name, or maybe even the country that the people live in?

The important thing is that God knows exactly who we’re praying for, where they live and what’s happening in their community.

Join us as we pray for people groups in sensitive areas of the world, then learn how you can partner with one to share the hope of God's Word.

Pray for believers in underground churches.

  • Pray that they will know God as their comforter and source of hope.

  • Pray that Scripture will reach them through online distribution and encourage them in their faith.

Pray for those who needed to leave their home country.

  • Pray they will come to know God and the assurance of his presence.

  • Pray for opportunities to distribute Scripture to language speakers.

Pray for those persevering in Bible translation.

  • Pray that God will provide the team with unity, smooth progress and the right team members.

  • Pray for each team member to grow in wisdom, creativity and skill. Pray that the team will gain better contact with speakers of the language in their home country.

Pray for those who haven’t received the gospel yet.

  • Pray they will have opportunity to learn and respond to the Good News.

Pray for communities and governments.

  • Pray for leaders to be prepared to welcome and receive translation work and, ultimately, the gospel.

Your prayers can bring strength and hope to those in sensitive regions where sharing and receiving God’s Word comes with significant challenges.

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