God At Work In
Every number represents a person who has a story — a story that matters to God.
As of Oct. 1, 2024
Around the world,
there are
at least
spoken or signed languages.

Vision 2025 languages need Bible translation to start for the first time.

Bible translation is being done in more than
languages worldwide.

Last year, Wycliffe was engaged in translation projects for
Today, that number has risen to
That's a

An Unprecedented
Over the last five years, we've seen God move in incredible ways!
Engaging Languages Globally
To Start Translation
Engaging Languages Globally
To Start Translation
A new language is engaged every
A new language is engaged every

Vision 2025
The Start
Vision 2025
The Start
In 1999, Wycliffe USA made a bold decision to adopt a God-sized vision: to have a translation program in progress in every language still needing one by the year 2025.
As we approach 2025, we want to continue to say "yes" — without hesitation — to every partner that asks us to join them in starting the work.
The truth is that Vision 2025 is just the starting line, and we are filled with anticipation of how God will continue to make His name known among the nations!
Will we achieve Vision 2025 by the end of calendar year 2025? Honestly, we don’t know. But we do know that God will continue to draw people to Himself through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand. And we will continue to wholeheartedly pursue a day when every man, woman and child is able to encounter Jesus personally through Scripture.
Vision 7:9
The Promised Future
Vision 7:9
The Promised Future
We will continue pressing ahead, collaborating with our global partners to see translation projects completed so that people around the world can encounter Jesus through the full counsel of God’s Word and be transformed.
After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb.
— Revelation 7:9a (NLT)

God Sightings
Among the Nations
God Sightings
Among the Nations
There’s no other way to say it: God is on the move!!
If we were to describe every single way that God has shown up — through answered prayer, providing funding and resources, uniting partners, equipping His Church to continue the work and more — we’d be here for a very long time.
We’re excited to give you a glimpse of how we’ve witnessed God working in and through His Church. But we don’t want to just be witnesses — we want to be proclaimers who joyfully declare this good news to the world!
Explore and experience some of the only-God moments that have happened this past year for yourself through this interactive map. Join us in praising God for what He has done and praying with hope-filled anticipation for what He will continue to do!
Donors and Churches
Field / Project
Working Together
Working Together
It takes all members of the Church to see the Great Commission advanced.
Wycliffe USA recognizes that the need for Bible translation is so great we can’t do it alone. One of our core values is collaborating with humility and interdependence, and we seek to partner in this spirit of mutuality so that every person can have access to God’s Word.
One of our key partnerships is the illumiNations collective impact alliance, a group of Bible translation agencies who are working together to provide God’s Word in every language. We also engage with many other organizations through Global Partnerships, working together to accelerate the work of Bible translation around the world through engaging the local church. While our full partner list — currently more than 3,000 partners — is too long to include here, we are incredibly grateful for everyone working in unity to spread God’s Word.
Thank You For Being Part of This Work!
You are helping make God’s name known among the nations in languages and formats that speak directly to people’s hearts. Because of your partnership, more people are encountering Jesus through Scripture — the greatest story ever told — in their language, and their lives are transformed forever.
Together, we’ve seen:
- 29,300 people committed to praying.
- $53.6 million* in project revenue.
- $25.2 million was donated specifically to the Worldwide Projects Fund!
- 2,934 Wycliffe staff serving in 57 countries around the world.
Thank you for saying yes, however God has led you to participate in advancing His Kingdom through Bible translation. All glory to God!
*A sampling of more than 3,000 worldwide partners that are joined together to see all people encounter God through Scripture.
The Global Church
Uniting to Advance the Kingdom
The Global Church
Uniting to Advance the Kingdom
Around the world, lives are being transformed as people encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand.
Board of Directors

Lindsay Olesberg
Wycliffe USA Board Chair
Senior Consultant
Clarity for Christian Leaders

Dr. Julian Dangerfield
Wycliffe USA Board Vice Chair
Executive Director
Shalom Outreach

David Bowden
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Spoken Gospel

Bishop Fidencio Burgueno
Administrative Bishop for the South Central Hispanic Region
Church of God

Dan Butler
Organizational Representative
Wycliffe USA

Dr. Sunny Hong
Director of Global Diaspora Unit and Senior Anthropology Consultant
SIL International

Dr. Pramod John
VIVIO Health

Felix Lee
Securities Enforcement and Litigation Partner
Fenwick & Firm

Abel Lopez
President and Founder
CLAY Student Leadership

Bonnie Nystrom
Linguistics/Translation Worker — Aitape West
SIL Global

Mark Taber
Global Partnerships Facilitator
Wycliffe USA

Florence Wamae
Associate Director of Partnerships — Account Management
SIL Global

Daniel Watters
Field Coordinator, Mainland Asia
SIL Global

Dr. Juanita Watters
SIL Americas Area

Alan Wells
Financial Advisory Partners
Stewardship Report
Stewardship Report
Thank you for stewarding your God-given resources to advance the Great Commission.
There are two things that last forever: God’s Word and people. May you experience the incredible joy of knowing that you will one day get to witness firsthand the fulfillment of people whose personal stories were forever changed because they encountered Jesus personally through His Word, the greatest story ever told.