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God is making an
"impossible" vision a reality.

In 1999, Wycliffe USA made a bold decision to adopt a God-sized vision: to have a translation program in progress in every language still needing one by the year 2025. We knew this wasn’t possible without God doing abundantly more than we could ask or imagine — and He is!

God is raising up local churches to take the lead in Bible translation for their own communities, countries and even entire regions, accelerating the pace like never before. Track the progress and pray with us for every nation to have zero languages waiting for Bible translation to start.

Countdown to Vision 2025


country statistics:

0total languages are currently engaged by Wycliffe USA.

Wycliffe engages with 0 partners — churches, mission organizations and like-minded ministries — around the world to see people encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand.

There are 0remaining Vision 2025 languages that need Bible translation to begin.

Map updated quarterly. Source ProgressBible as of Oct. 1, 2024.

Celebrate How God Is At Work Around the World!

Sign up to receive monthly “God Sightings” — email updates about the incredible ways God is moving and working around the world through Bible translation. You can also opt-in to receive a weekly text message with real-time updates and prayer opportunities.

By providing your number, you agree to receive text messages from Wycliffe. Standard text rates apply. Reply STOP at any time to unsubscribe.


Invest in a future when every language community has Scripture!


step out in bold faith and ask God to do more:

To see Bible translation start for every language still needing it.
To equip the global Church for evangelism, discipleship and church planting.
To make Scripture available so that every man, woman and child can encounter Jesus personally and understand His love in a way that transforms their lives forever.
paper rip top New to Wycliffe Lady in prayer Journey 7:9 paper rip bottom

Hop aboard!

We're on a journey to see people from every nation and language be able to worship God before His throne! Travel with us on a fun, inspiring prayer journey around the world.

New to Wycliffe

Hop aboard!

We're on a journey to see people from every nation and language be able to worship God before His throne! Travel with us on a fun, inspiring prayer journey around the world.