transformation through translation
We believe prayer is absolutely essential for Bible translation — not only for the start of the work in remaining languages but also as churches and communities around the world press forward to have the full counsel of God’s Word. And at each step of the way, lives are transformed!
Father God, You long for people from every language to understand the Bible and be transformed. You’ve called your Church to make disciples of all nations, and we gladly accept this invitation.
Please equip your Church to make the gospel available to all people in a language and format they clearly understand. We are completely dependent on You to see this accomplished, and we pray with expectation and anticipation for the joy set before us.
May Your name be lifted high as we — all parts of Your global Church — humbly seek Your face, asking You to do more than we can even begin to imagine, so that all people can encounter You through Scripture. This is all for you, Lord — for Your glory and the good of Your people everywhere. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. — James 5:16b (NLT)

ways to join in prayer
changed lives
Praying for Bible translation is really praying for God to change lives through His Word. There’s so much power in prayer — it changes our own lives as we pray for others!
Praying Scripture Back to God
Prayer is foundational to the work of Bible translation. We’ve seen lives changed, hearts transformed and entire communities impacted as a result of people praying specifically that God would make himself known among the nations!
Read MoreHow to Pray for Missionaries
Perhaps God has placed a desire in your heart to pray for missionaries everywhere, or maybe for one particular missionary. Either way, God has a great plan to use you to help complete his mission of making his name known among the nations as you participate through prayer.
Read MoreA Call to Prayer
Prayer should be the foundation of everything we do. Throughout the New Testament, we see the importance of prayer. Jesus Himself modeled what prayer should look like, and He regularly spent intentional time with the Father in prayer.
Read More... The earnest prayer of a righteous person has
great power and produces wonderful results.
— JAMES 5:16B (NLT)