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God's Heart, Your Part

The Church Living on Mission

The Mission of the Church

A Great Commission Calling

We know churches want the Good News of Jesus to reach people everywhere, no matter their language; but we also know that, outside of missions trips, it can be difficult to engage globally. That’s why we’ve created resources for all ages in your church — from kids to adults — to help people find their part in God’s work at home or abroad.

One way your church can advance the Great Commission is through Bible translation! Without Scripture, the Church cannot fully engage in evangelism, discipleship and church planting — all necessary to fulfill Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19, NLT).

Resources for the Church

For Every Person and Every Age

Kate & Mack

Kids Programming

Invite the kids at your church into the Great Commission with Kate & Mack resources. Join Kate, a Wycliffe missionary kid, and her parrot friend, Mack, on a global adventure. Kids in kindergarten to 5th grade will get the chance to explore God’s love for all people through crafts, games and more. These resources are perfect for Sunday school, VBS or to equip parents and families with missions-focused activities.

Kate & Mack >
Great Commission Series

Great Commission Series

Revelation 7:9 gives us a picture of people from every nation and language, united in worship around God’s throne.

This global mission begins locally in your church! Our resources — like devotionals around prayer, generosity, the mission of God and more — can help your congregation participate in this Kingdom work as God brings His Word to every man, woman and child through Bible translation.

Learn More >

Great Commission Series

Expand Your Global Perspective

Deepen your church’s understanding of God’s global mission through a Perspectives class. This 15‑week course will transform your understanding of what it looks like to be a globally minded Christian.

Perspectives >
Man holds Bible smiling circular

What if your church chose to lock arms with people thousands of miles away and, as a result, you become a part of their journey to personally know the God who created them?

God Sightings For Churches

Stories of Impact

Explore Ways Your Church Can Impact the Work of Bible Translation!

Sign up to receive monthly “God Sightings” — email updates about the incredible ways God is moving and working around the world to advance the Great Commission through Bible translation. You can also opt in to receive a weekly text message with timely updates and prayer opportunities.

By providing your number, you agree to receive text messages from Wycliffe. Standard text rates apply. Reply STOP at any time to unsubscribe.

Is Your

Church Ready?

If you’re ready to help your congregation engage with the Great Commission through Bible translation, reach out to one of our church relationship facilitators below.


Connect with a church relationship facilitator today!

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

— Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

Europe Deaf church service