When 20-year-old William Cameron (“Cam”) Townsend went to Guatemala to give out Spanish Bibles, he was surprised when he met a man who didn't understand the language. This man didn't want a Spanish Bible or a God who didn't speak his language. That moment inspired Cam to take action.
And his story sparked a movement and vision that are rapidly changing the world!
In 1934 Cam started Camp Wycliffe, a linguistics training program named after John Wycliffe, the first translator of the entire Bible into English.
Less than 10 years later, it grew into what would later be known as the Summer Institute of Linguistics (now SIL Global) and Wycliffe Bible Translators.
What started as a summer camp and became two global organizations has since spread to hundreds of partner organizations around the world who are working together to see the gospel go out among the nations.
When 20-year-old William Cameron (“Cam”) Townsend went to Guatemala to give out Spanish Bibles, he was surprised when he met a man who didn't understand the language. This man didn't want a Spanish Bible or a God who didn't speak his language. That moment inspired Cam to take action.
And his story sparked a movement and vision that are rapidly changing the world!

In 1934 Cam started Camp Wycliffe, a linguistics training program named after John Wycliffe, the first translator of the entire Bible into English.
Less than 10 years later, it grew into what would later be known as the Summer Institute of Linguistics (now SIL Global) and Wycliffe Bible Translators.

What started as a summer camp and became two global organizations has since spread to hundreds of partner organizations around the world who are working together to see the gospel go out among the nations.

For more than 80 years, Wycliffe Bible Translators has helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages. What started as one young man’s vision that every man, woman and child would be able to understand God’s Word in their own language has grown into a global movement.

Throughout the decades, Wycliffe has pioneered new territory in missions. From single women working overseas in translation projects to the evolution of aviation and radio services to the growing prominence of community and church-led translation efforts, Wycliffe has changed a lot over the years.
Through every season, God has been faithful in continuing to lead us toward the vision of everyone having access to Scripture in a language and format that touches their heart.
For more than 80 years, Wycliffe Bible Translators has helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages. What started as one young man’s vision that every man, woman and child would be able to understand God’s Word in their own language has grown into a global movement.

Throughout the decades, Wycliffe has pioneered new territory in missions. From single women working overseas in translation projects to the evolution of aviation and radio services to the growing prominence of community and church-led translation efforts, Wycliffe has changed a lot over the years.

Through every season, God has been faithful in continuing to lead us toward the vision of everyone having access to Scripture in a language and format that touches their heart.


Wycliffe Bible Translators officially became an organization in 1942.
Raising awareness of and participation in Bible translation, particularly in the Americas, was the focus.

Translation work expanded to regions like the Philippines and Vietnam.
Many female translators joined, making it possible to work in previously inaccessible areas.

Wycliffe featured an exhibit at the 1964-1965 New York World’s Fair.
Sept. 30 was chosen as a day to honor the work of Bible translation, recognizing the vital role of translated Scripture in changing lives and bringing people closer to God.

In July 1975, Wycliffe celebrated the dedication of its 50th New Testament translation, marking significant progress in Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Mexico.
By 1979, Wycliffe celebrated the completion of more than the first 100 New Testaments.

The 1980s were marked by the celebration of Cameron Townsend’s 50-year milestone of service.
Cameron Townsend passed away.
Wycliffe made continued progress in Bible translation, impacting people worldwide.

Advances in technology improved translation efficiency.
Cluster projects — translating multiple languages at a time — and an increase in roles for local translators emerged.

Wycliffe headquarters moved from California to Florida.
Wycliffe implemented Vision 2025: a goal to start a Bible translation in every language needing one by 2025.

Further technological advances and new partnerships with national organizations formed.
Wycliffe made progress toward reducing the number of languages needing translation.

We are nearing the fulfillment of Vision 2025 — an “impossible” vision of starting Bible translation for every language that needs it by the end of 2025 — with remarkable progress.
As we look to the future, we are focused on the vision described in Revelation 7:9 with the goal of seeing people from every language and nation united in worship before the throne of God.

Wycliffe Bible Translators officially became an organization in 1942.
Raising awareness of and participation in Bible translation, particularly in the Americas, was the focus.

Translation work expanded to regions like the Philippines and Vietnam.
Many female translators joined, making it possible to work in previously inaccessible areas.

Wycliffe featured an exhibit at the 1964-1965 New York World’s Fair.
Sept. 30 was chosen as a day to honor the work of Bible translation, recognizing the vital role of translated Scripture in changing lives and bringing people closer to God.

In July 1975, Wycliffe celebrated the dedication of its 50th New Testament translation, marking significant progress in Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Mexico.
By 1979, Wycliffe celebrated the completion of more than the first 100 New Testaments.

The 1980s were marked by the celebration of Cameron Townsend’s 50-year milestone of service.
Cameron Townsend passed away.
Wycliffe made continued progress in Bible translation, impacting people worldwide.

Advances in technology improved translation efficiency.
Cluster projects — translating multiple languages at a time — and an increase in roles for local translators emerged.

Wycliffe headquarters moved from California to Florida.
Wycliffe implemented Vision 2025: a goal to start a Bible translation in every language needing one by 2025.

Further technological advances and new partnerships with national organizations formed.
Wycliffe made progress toward reducing the number of languages needing translation.

We are nearing the fulfillment of Vision 2025 — an “impossible” vision of starting Bible translation for every language that needs it by the end of 2025 — with remarkable progress.
As we look to the future, we are focused on the vision described in Revelation 7:9 with the goal of seeing people from every language and nation united in worship before the throne of God.

The gospel is changing lives, communities and entire regions around the world as people experience it in their own language. The acceleration of Vision 2025 over the last few years is proof of the power of God's translated Word!

But Bible translation does not stop after Scripture is printed, recorded or dedicated. People need to engage with Scripture and apply it to their lives in order to experience sustained growth and transformation.
Every person who makes up the global Church should be equipped for evangelism, discipleship and church planting, and that starts by having full access to God’s Word in a language and format that captures their hearts. At Wycliffe, we want to leave a legacy of faith — where people continue to be transformed through the Bible for generations to come. So our work is not done yet!

As we move toward the promised future when people from all nations and languages will worship before the throne, God is at work, transforming lives today through Scripture — for His glory and the good of His people everywhere!
...Want to see God’s power on display in lives around the world today? Check out the Bible Translation Experience, where you’ll meet some incredible people and learn more about how God is on the move through His global Church.

PO Box 628200 Orlando, FL 32862 | 1-800-WYCLIFFE | [email protected]
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