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God Is on the Move
Making a Difference
See how God is transforming lives now and for generations to come.


The Greatest Story Ever: The Birth of Jesus
Celebrate Christmas with the story of Jesus’ birth — the greatest story ever told, bringing hope and joy to all nations.
The Wonder of Christmas
Enjoy a Christmas video message from Wycliffe's President and CEO John Chesnut and his wife, Kelly!
Angels: Messengers of Hope in the Christmas Story and Scripture
This Advent, let the angels’ message inspire you to share Christ’s hope and bring God’s Word to those still waiting.
How God Showed Up in the Ordinary Lives of Shepherds
Discover how God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways. Be inspired by the shepherds' story and obedience to God this Christmas.
The Christmas Story Joseph’s Faith in the Face of Doubt
Reflect on Joseph's faith and obedience amid uncertainty, and see how Bible translation offers hope in every season.
How Your Missionaries Celebrated (Or Are Still Celebrating) the Holidays
Stacy Cawley's family has experienced the holidays in different ways around the world and across different cultures.
God Is Bringing His Word to a Remote Area of Africa
Bible Translation
God's Word translated into the languages represented in this cluster project is changing lives in these communities.
Why I Serve With Wycliffe: Meet Judy
Serve in Missions
When Judy changed roles, she discovered a new way to make meaningful contributions to Bible translation.
The Christmas Story: Mary’s Faith, Trust and Hope
See how Mary's faith in God during uncertainty inspires us to trust Him and shares hope through His Word.

New to Wycliffe?
Hop aboard Journey 7:9 to learn more!