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Bible Translation, Scripture Engagement

A Change of Heart

Apr 27, 2022
Road through the mountains

Amanda and Spring* shared the gospel with their unbelieving family members using portions of Scripture translated in their language. And they found that when God’s Word is shared in a language and format that speaks to someone’s heart, people respond better.

One day, the two women visited Amanda’s aunt, who was terminally ill. Although Amanda had tried to share the gospel with her aunt before, she wanted to try again. In the past, Amanda felt like there was a barrier preventing her from truly communicating to the woman. She thought that it might have been because of the opposition and influence of another aunt who lived nearby and was a shaman in her community. But Amanda had been praying, and friends had also prayed that God would use her and Spring as a testimony to Amanda’s aunt.

During their visit, Amanda shared portions of her draft translation about the story of creation. The women talked about who God is and what it means to follow him. And this time, something hit home.

Amanda’s aunt excitedly told them she wanted to believe and prayed with Amanda and Spring right then! The power of the gospel had finally resonated within her soul, and the barriers around her heart broke down. When Amanda left, she gave her aunt an MP3 player with the draft version of the Book of Mark on it as well as some songs in the local language so that she could continue to learn more about God.

Shortly after the visit, Amanda’s aunt’s health began to get worse, and she passed away. But Amanda and her friends rejoiced that the woman had the opportunity to respond to the message of the gospel before she died.

Spring was also able to witness to her family. While her mother believed in God for many years, her father never wanted Spring to share her faith with him. But during one visit where Spring and Amanda went to visit her family together, Spring's dad finally agreed to listen to them.

After they shared the Good News of the gospel in his own language, Spring's father told them that he wanted to believe. At first, Amanda and Spring thought that he was just being polite. So they asked if he wanted to take more time to consider such an important decision. He empathically replied, “No! I understand what you have said and I want to believe now!”

God is doing great things among people who are able to understand the gospel in their own language. Hearts are changed and lives are redirected as the seed of God’s Word takes root. Praise God for His faithfulness!

*Name changed.

You can partner in prayer with people like Amanda and Spring who work to bring the Bible to their friends, family and community in a language they can clearly understand.

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