How God Showed Up in the Ordinary Lives of Shepherds
The weary world rejoices.

Have you ever felt unqualified for a calling — like you’re not the obvious choice for a task?
You’re not alone. We all have moments of doubt, feeling out of place or underprepared for what God calls us to do. But God doesn’t wait for us to have perfect qualifications — He equips those He calls.
Throughout the Bible, God works through unlikely people and unexpected moments. These ordinary people couldn’t see the big picture but chose to trust Him anyway; this couldn’t be more true for the shepherds who came to see Jesus after His birth.
The Shepherds: Unlikely Witnesses to History
Picture that night outside Bethlehem: Shepherds, men on the margins of society, stood in total darkness, eyes adjusted as they guarded their sheep. Their work was simple. Their lives were humble. No one expected much from them — they were outsiders, unnoticed, doing their duty far from the public eye.
Suddenly, an angel shattered the silence, and “… the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified” (Luke 2:9, NIV). Yet these shepherds — ordinary men — became the first to hear history’s greatest news: The Messiah was born!
Without hesitation, they hurried to Bethlehem. After seeing Christ, as a baby in a manger, the shepherds couldn’t keep the news to themselves. They told everyone, and “all who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished” (Luke 2:18, NLT). These men, not scholars or religious leaders, became God’s unexpected messengers to proclaim the birth of His Son.
Like the shepherds, you have a story to share! God can use your voice in ways beyond what you might expect. Advocating for Bible translation among your friends, family and church matters! It enables people around the world to encounter this same Good News in their own language so they too can know the Savior.
Seeing God’s Work in the Darkness
It’s easy to believe God works through people with talent or status. Yet the shepherds' story reminds us that God chooses those who feel overlooked or unworthy.
The skills God is developing in you right now aren’t wasted, even if they feel hidden or small. What seems insignificant today could be part of a bigger plan.
You matter to your heavenly Father. Throughout Scripture, God does amazing things through people society ignores. He values those who are often overlooked and uses those who felt ordinary or like an odd choice — like Moses who was not confident in his ability to speak eloquently (Exodus 4:10), the ostracized woman who anointed Christ with her perfume (Luke 7), Paul who was called to be an apostle after formerly persecuting Christians (Acts 22) and the little children who wanted to be close to Jesus (Matthew 19:14).
He works through us to bring His light into dark places (Matthew 5:14). By partnering with the work of Bible translation, you can be part of making His Word accessible to people, helping others see God’s love right where they are.
God’s Pattern: The Unlikely and Unexpected
God’s pattern repeats throughout Scripture. He chose Mary — a poor, young virgin — to carry the Savior of the world. He called Joseph, a carpenter, to raise the Son of God. Years later, women were the first to witness the resurrection, even though their testimony carried little weight in that culture.
Just as God called humble shepherds to share Christ’s coming, He is working today through ordinary people and everyday moments to share the Good News around the world through Bible translation.

Reaching the Kunama Diaspora
On an ordinary day in December 2017, Wendy Scott-Penson was busy ministering to Wycliffe partners and connecting their resources to Bible translation projects in communities around the world when she received an unusual call from a man named Stefano.
Stefano, a Kunama speaker displaced to the United States, was determined to bring the Bible to his people, who had been scattered globally after fleeing civil unrest in Eritrea in the late 1990s.
After traveling on foot to Ethiopia and enduring hardship in refugee camps, Stefano credited God for sustaining the Kunama refugees: “If not for help from God, many would have passed away.”
Stefano accepted Jesus as his Savior in the U.S. and realized the need for God’s Word in Kunama. “We don’t want anyone left behind,” he said.
His phone call to Wycliffe led to collaboration with the Eritrean Bible Society and other organizations. Eventually, two translation teams were formed — one in Ethiopia and another in Canada — to bring the Bible to the Kunama diaspora (dispersed people groups who settle outside of their homeland). It all started with one simple phone call.
How Can You Be God’s Light Today?
God’s work through ordinary people like the shepherds, Wendy, Stefano and countless others shows us that we don’t need extraordinary status or qualifications to be part of His mission. We just need to say “yes” and to trust Him to use us for His purpose. As you consider how God may be calling you, remember that advocating — telling others and getting your church and family involved — for Bible translation is one powerful way to share His love and bring the light of His Word to people everywhere in their own language.
This Advent, you can celebrate and bring hope to people — wherever you are. Whether through prayer, generosity or sharing, your actions make a difference.
Digging Deeper
- How is God prompting you to step out in faith? Like the shepherds who left their sheep, following God’s call may come at a cost. What step of faith could you take this week, even if it feels uncomfortable or risky?
- Further Reading: Isaiah 52:7 + 1 Corinthians 1:27-28.
- How can you reflect God’s love this Advent? Just as the shepherds shared the Good News, you have the opportunity to spread joy by supporting Bible translation. Helping others access God’s Word in their language brings lasting hope and shines God’s light in dark places.
- Further Reading: Romans 10:15 + 1 John 4:10-11.