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Church-Led Bible Translation Is Happening Across Africa

Jul 31, 2024

Bible translation is a critical part of accomplishing Jesus’ final command to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Scripture equips the global Church for evangelism, discipleship and church planting. Across Africa today, local churches are taking ownership of Bible translation work for their communities — and it’s transforming lives!

In Nigeria, God is equipping His Church to start Bible translation for the remaining languages in the country that still need it. And in Madagascar, local college students and members of a church drafted four full Bibles in four different languages over the course of four years. Praise God for the way He is at work in Africa and around the world!

Today God's Holy Spirit is uniting His Church to work toward one common goal: to bring the Good News to the furthest corners of the earth. As the Church responds to God's call, Bible translation is being impacted in incredible ways!

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