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God Is on the Move

God Is on the Move: A Call to Prayer

Oct 31, 2023
woman praying with folded hands, displaying a rural town in the background

Prayer should be the foundation of everything we do.

Throughout the New Testament, we see the importance of prayer. Jesus Himself modeled what prayer should look like, and He regularly spent intentional time with the Father in prayer.

Across Wycliffe’s history, we’ve seen God move. If we were to trace the ways He’s moved with the prayers that have been prayed over the decades, we would all be encouraged. Sometimes God has said yes to our requests, other times He’s said no or perhaps even, “I have something in store that hasn’t even crossed your minds. Watch Me move!”

As we look at what God is doing around the world in and through His Church, prayer needs to be foundational to our vision of seeing all people encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand.

But at the same time, things that were hard are getting harder.

The remaining language communities that don’t have God’s Word today are unreached for a reason. Many of them are isolated geographically or in environments that are simply tough. Others are located in areas where people practice religions and beliefs that are strongly opposed to the gospel message.

In some areas, we see local churches and partner organizations coming together to engage languages with Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand for the very first time. In other communities, we rejoice with many people who have served faithfully over decades and are seeing the fruit of their labor through completed translation and life transformation.

God is answering decades of prayer for His glory and the good of His global Church. Your prayers continue to be a vital part of this work. That’s why we want to challenge you to join us to pray, asking God to move and make His name known around the world. Together we can intercede before God’s throne and ask Him to move in ways that we can’t even begin to imagine!

How to Pray for the Nations

Don’t know where to start? Here are a few simple ways you can join us in prayer:

  • Pray for the local church to not only desire Scripture in a language and format they can clearly understand, but to desire significant involvement in the work.

  • Pray for collaboration and unity as Bible translation agencies, church denominations, local leaders and more work together to create strategies and plans that reach their communities with Scripture.

  • Pray for open doors at both the local and national level. Pray that God would go before His Church and open doors in the last remaining languages as He deems best.

  • Pray for partners — in prayer, funding, strategy and execution, translation, Scripture engagement and more — to come together with a single focus: to see God’s name made known among the nations!

  • Pray for the harvest and for the laborers. We know that Revelation 7:9-10 promises a day when every “nation and tribe and people and language” will stand before the throne worshiping. That picture is becoming reality before our eyes today! But the work isn’t done yet; there’s still much to do. May we all be faithful to the roles God has called us to, working toward a day when all people worship Him in a language and format they clearly understand.

Creative Ways to Engage in Prayer

Want to infuse some creativity into how you engage with prayer? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Pray for the nations by name. Love geography? Grab a map (or use our Vision 2025 map) and pray for countries by name. Ask God to work and move according to His will, for His glory and the good of His people everywhere!

  • Pray through specific requests. Sign up to receive weekly text updates on what God is doing around the world — directly to your phone! Stay informed, inspired and encouraged by the latest news, and join us in praying for God’s name to be made known among the nations through the work of Bible translation. Text SIGHTINGS to 407-358-0916 to get started.

  • Pray through the news. In today’s world, you can access news anytime, anywhere, featuring any corner of the globe. Use the news to fuel your prayers, asking God to move in any community or country that crosses your path.

  • Praying using Scripture. As you read your Bible, pray Scripture passages over the work of Bible translation. Jesus Himself used Scripture to combat Satan in the wilderness — how much more should we use it as we engage in prayer on behalf of God’s people?

  • Pray as you scroll through your social media feed or inbox. Don’t just mindlessly scroll through your feeds — use it as an opportunity to pray! Ask God to open your eyes to topics or places that you can pray over, whether specifically or simply.

Prayer is a conversation with God that we are privileged to have, both individually and as the body of Christ. Together let’s boldly pray that God would do immeasurably more and make His name known among the nations so that all people can encounter His love in a way that transforms their lives forever!

God Sightings on mobile devices

Sign Up for Weekly “God Sightings” Text Messages

Each week, you can receive an update on what God is doing around the world — directly to your phone! Stay informed, inspired and encouraged by the latest news, and join us in praying for God’s name to be made known among the nations through the work of Bible translation.

Text JOURNEY to 407-358-0916.

Read the previous "God Is on the Move" article.

Read the next "God Is on the Move" article.

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