God Is on the Move: A Look Back at 2023

If you could be part of a once-in-history opportunity, wouldn’t you want to say yes? Here at Wycliffe, that’s exactly what we’re experiencing in Bible translation today — a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join in what God’s doing at this time in history.
All around the world, the global Church is rising up and asking for — and sometimes even starting — Bible translation for themselves. But they don’t want access to God’s Word in a few months or even years; they want it now.
So far, God has equipped Wycliffe to be able to say yes each time a partner has asked us to come alongside them so that their people can encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand. As a result of this collaboration, we have seen Bible translation accelerate in unprecedented ways.
This year, Wycliffe and our partners started Bible translation in more languages than ever before!
This is a direct result of collaboration between Wycliffe and our partners working alongside the local church to see God’s Word translated for their communities, countries and even entire regions.
We see God’s hand at work in so many ways. Some of these sightings include:
- Witnessing the local church in Papua New Guinea working together in the Wanbel Cluster project to begin translation for 80 languages.
- Partners and churches across Nigeria coming together and strategizing ways to engage all remaining languages, impacting dozens of communities.
- Deaf brothers and sisters in Eurasia asking themselves the question, “How do we address Deaf Bible translation needs across Eurasia and start a translation project in every sign language still needing it within the next three years?”
He continues to be so faithful, and His power is on display in amazing ways.
Isaiah 12:4-5 says, “… Thank the Lord! Praise his name! Tell the nations what he has done. Let them know how mighty he is! Sing to the Lord, for he has done wonderful things. Make known his praise around the world” (NLT).
This is our joy and privilege: to be part of declaring to the entire world what God has done and continues to do!
May we all be encouraged and inspired to join in God’s global mission, finding ways to be all in — through prayer, advocacy, giving and more — so that every man, woman and child can encounter Jesus personally.
Hear from Wycliffe USA’s President and CEO, Dr. John Chesnut, about the incredible ways that we saw God’s hand at work in communities around the world in 2023.