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God Is on the Move

God Is on the Move: Imagining a Day When All the Nations Worship

Sep 28, 2023
Smiling woman displaying her Bible

Over the last few years, Bible translation has accelerated in ways we’ve never seen before in the history of the work. This is a testimony to what God is doing as He raises up the global Church to take ownership of seeing their communities, countries and even entire regions reached with the gospel.

Perhaps you’re wondering what stages of Bible translation might look like. Here’s an easy (and definitely oversimplified) way to think of it:

  • Pipeline: Conversations and strategies that are in progress to begin new language engagements.

  • New Language Engagements: Projects that are just beginning in a new language, community or country.

  • Acceleration and Collaboration: Creating innovative ways to partner together to see Bible translation accelerated.

  • Celebrating Completed Scriptures: It’s celebration time! People now have access to Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand and can encounter Jesus personally through His Word.

And throughout the entire process, don’t forget about a crucial stage:

  • Prayer: Asking God to do immeasurably more than we can even imagine!

Icons with descriptions of Bible translation stages

There are so many stories we could tell you of the ways that God is at work throughout the entire process of Bible translation. Join us in rejoicing over what God is doing in the following communities and countries as more people receive Scripture in a language that speaks to their hearts.

Pipeline | Engaging the Remaining Languages in Nigeria

In November 2023, Bible translation organizations and church leaders will come together to ask themselves the question, “How do we start a Bible translation project for the remaining languages across Nigeria?”

Nigeria has long been one of the countries with the highest remaining Bible translation needs. At this time last year, there were more than 250 languages that still needed work to begin. As a result of collaboration and strategic planning, a total of five projects were designed to address Bible translation needs across Nigeria. Four of these projects have already been approved, addressing Bible translation needs for 88 languages. Another project, led by SIL, is still in progress and will address approximately 40 more languages.

➤ Praise God for the progress that these projects are already bringing, and pray for the upcoming conversations in November. It’s anticipated that through this ongoing collaboration, the approximate 110 remaining language needs in Nigeria could drop to 20!

New Language Engagements | Achieving Vision 2025 in India

Anthim Rekha is a Hindi phrase that means the "last line" or "end mark." The Anthim Rekha Cluster project, in collaboration with the Last Command Initiative (LCI) partners (a group of multiple national partners), seeks to cross the finish line of accomplishing Vision 2025 in India. LCI, local churches and other Bible translation partners believe there are many languages that need to be researched before it can be declared with confidence and integrity that Vision 2025 has been accomplished in India. The Anthim Rekha Cluster seeks to do that research with the expectation that more than 90 translation projects will be started through this project!

➤ Praise God for this collaboration! May it cause people across India to understand God’s love for them in a language and format that speaks to their hearts.

Acceleration and Collaboration | Local Church Ownership in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse country in the world. With more than 220 anticipated languages still needing Bible translation to begin, there’s much work to be done. But God is raising up the local church across Papua New Guinea, and they are actively working to address these remaining needs.

Wanbel is a Tok Pisin word that means “unity.” The Wanbel project is a collaborative effort to address Bible translation needs in 80 languages through oral Bible translation. Of these languages, 77 will receive Scripture for the very first time! Local churches and communities are taking ownership of the work, prioritizing where to begin, how to maintain sustainable translation rhythms and how to create communities that are actively engaging with Scripture in their own languages.

➤ Pray for unity among the churches and communities as they seek to bring God’s Word to life through oral Bible translation!

Celebrating Completed Scriptures | The Full Ticuna Bible

Seventy years to the month since the Ticuna people were first contacted by missionaries in 1953, the Ticuna Bible was dedicated to the Lord in the village of Cushillococha, Peru, with more than 1,000 Ticunas in attendance. Lambert and Doris Anderson, now in their 90s, have spent a lifetime working on the Ticuna translation. It was a special moment when Lambert prayed and presented the first Bible to his faithful co-translator, Leonardo, who held it close to his heart and his head as he prayed.

In the evening more than 1,000 Ticunas gathered together at the village plaza to watch the 80-minute Ticuna video, “God's Promise,” which depicts God's undertaking for His people throughout the Bible and culminates with an invitation for the people to give their lives to the Lord and follow Him.

➤ Pray that the gospel will take root in the community, transforming lives for God’s glory and the good of His people!

Prayer | A Call to Bold Faith

God is faithful to His people. He always has been, and He always will be! But that doesn’t mean that faith always comes easily. In fact, the pursuit of bold faith often emerges from situations where we know that only God can move.

Would you join us in praying with bold faith that God would do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine? God is making His name known among the nations in languages and formats they clearly understand. Let’s boldly ask God to move and imagine a day when all the nations worship!

New language engagements are a pivotal step in the Bible translation process, but that’s not the full story! For every language engaged, work must continue so that people can receive Scripture in a way that speaks to their hearts. Count down with us to Vision 2025, and then ask God to continue accelerating the work so that all people can encounter Him through the gospel in their language.

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