How One Young Adult Group Is Supporting a Bible Translation Project in Eurasia

Allyson was in fourth grade when she became acquainted with Wycliffe’s work, hearing about it through the Global Ministries at Calvary Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Calvary Church partners with multiple Wycliffe missionaries, and God has used those relationships to cultivate a vision for Bible translation within Allyson.
As Allyson spiritually matured during her teen years, her love for God’s Word deepened. “I studied Scripture regularly and understood the Bible’s role in people coming to faith in Jesus Christ,” she said. “I also began to realize that people need Scripture in a language they clearly understand to grow in their faith.”
Soon, God stirred Allyson to support Bible translation projects and spoke powerfully into her life at a conference for young adults. He led Allyson to share her passion with Calvary Church leadership, and she was able to speak to her young adult group, C4 — Calvary Church’s ministry for 18 to 29-year-olds — about Bible translation.
“I sensed God wanted C4 to become involved in the Bible translation movement but I wasn’t exactly sure what it would look like,” Allyson said. Through prayer, she discerned that God wanted the group to support a translation project with their prayers and financial resources.
After contacting Wycliffe, Allyson was connected with her area’s senior philanthropy advisor, Lorelei Mah. Following a video call, Lorelei visited Allyson in Lancaster. The two committed to pray for God’s guidance and were joined in prayer by church staff and C4. As they sought the Lord together, God narrowed the possible projects to an unreached people group in Eurasia. They decided to nickname the project: “The S Project.”
“As C4 and other Calvary Church members learn more about The S Project, church leaders and I hope that each congregant will engage with the project in some way,” Allyson said. And though she doesn’t consider herself a leader, God has placed Allyson in a leadership role as she continually shares about the importance of Bible translation, coordinates S Project prayer and provides organization for the initiative.
God has moved in the C4 young adults community: They have committed to fully fund Bible translation for The S Project language community. They are aware that this is a God-sized effort and meet each week to pray for this work, as well as God’s work globally. And God is providing! C4 is growing in enthusiasm for The S Project and are learning to give sacrificially. This initiative launched in September 2022 and has already raised over $19,000!
C4 desires to see this language community in Eurasia know God, cultivate a relationship with Him and share His Word with their community. “I hope that C4’s excitement for Bible translation continues to grow, more young adults join The S Project efforts and other people come alongside different translation projects,” Allyson said.
You can help language communities around the world receive more of God’s Word in a language and format they clearly understand. Visit our Worldwide Projects Fund to learn more.