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How to Pray for the Jesus Film

Jan 22, 2019

Work to take God’s Word to unreached people goes beyond the printed page. Please pray for the translation of the “JESUS” film into languages around the world, and for the impact it has on lives when it is shown.

Prayers for people to see the “JESUS” film in their language have caused this work to begin. Join in God’s work by following this prayer guide to intercede as we engage cultures with the story of Jesus.

Pray for logistics and technical details, especially for:

  • Protection of the equipment being used, especially in damp conditions.

  • No noise or disruption during recordings.

  • The lip synchronization of the film to match the voices speaking their language as closely as possible.

Woman working on the JESUS film voice synchronization

  • More recording technicians — the actual people who dub the film with voice actors. There is more work than there are people!

  • Strength and good health for the technicians as they travel and live in, at times, challenging environments.

Pray for the actors recording the voices, that:

  • The voice actors would speak clearly, read well and not be distracted by things around them.

  • The actors will recognize the significance of what they are recording, and that if they don’t know Jesus, interacting with the Scriptures in this way will draw them to Christ.

Recording studio

Pray for the logistics and technical details, that:

  • The showings will reach a wide audience, and that key people will be invited who can arrange for strategic showings not only to Christians but also to non‑Christian audiences.

  • The equipment will work well.

  • The location and times for showings will draw in the most people.

Pray for those viewing the film, that:

  • People will be able to see clearly, hear well and not be distracted by other things going on around them.

  • The people will realize that they are encountering Jesus Christ, not just another film.

People from nearby villages gather to watch the JESUS film.

  • If people recognize the voices of those who read the script in their own language for various people in the film, they will not be confused.

  • People will stay for the entire film, including the invitation to receive Jesus at the end.

Pray for those showing the film, that:

  • Organizers will show the film in faith that God is going to use it.

  • They will feel prepared and confident to speak with all who respond to the invitation to accept Christ after the film is shown.

  • God will protect them and the equipment when in unfriendly environments.

Loading the JESUS film showing onto the projector.

Pray for the impact of the showing, so:

  • Viewers will want to know more about Christ and watch the film over and over to learn all they can about him, and that God will protect them from temptations.

  • These viewers will want to read the Bible story for themselves, or have it read to them.

  • People will come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

The "JESUS" film is produced by the Jesus Film Project, a Cru ministry.
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