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Saying "Yes" to What God Is Doing

How the global Church is advancing Bible translation
Oct 15, 2024

God is moving in unprecedented ways through the global Church, impacting the Bible translation movement in a manner we have never seen before in history. His Word is being made available in languages and formats that people around the world can understand, and lives are being transformed as a result.

The Power of God’s Word in Every Language

When people encounter Jesus through Scripture in their own language, they are profoundly impacted. Bible translation is not just about translating words — it’s about opening the door for people to have a personal relationship with God. Individuals and entire communities are experiencing the Bible for the first time in a way that touches their hearts, and the results are life-changing.

Wycliffe Bible Translators exists to collaborate with churches, communities and partner organizations to ensure everyone — speaking or signing at least 7,300 languages worldwide — can access God’s Word in a language and format they can clearly understand. Today Bible translation efforts are growing exponentially, driven largely by local churches and communities who are taking ownership of this work.

A Time of Unprecedented Acceleration

In Peru, girls holding Quechua Bibles

Seeds planted in communities around the world over the past several decades have taken root and are now producing an abundant harvest. People whose lives were first touched by the gospel in their own language are now working to bring that same message to other communities. The global Church is expanding, and Bible translation is often the first step in this growth.

This movement is not confined to one region or people group; it is happening everywhere! The global Church is asking for, and even initiating, Scripture translations in their own languages and communities. As they identify the Scripture portions they need, they are inviting Wycliffe and our partners to join them in this work. It’s a privilege to be a part of this God-sized movement, collaborating with more than 1,200 partners — including churches, mission organizations and like-minded ministries — to see more people encounter Jesus through Scripture.

The Impact of Vision 2025

Uganda, woman with Bible in church seated with congregation

Vision 2025 aims to have a Bible translation program in progress in every language still needing one by the end of 2025. Currently Wycliffe USA is engaged with 1,982 languages, and there are only 980 Vision 2025 languages remaining that still need Bible translation to begin. This ambitious goal is only achievable through the grace of God and the collaboration of the global Church.

Vision 2025 is about ensuring that no one is left without access to the hope and transformation found in God’s Word. Each language is more than just a number — it represents a community, a people group with unique cultural expressions and, most importantly, a need for people to experience the love of God in a language they clearly understand.

Joining God in His Mission

God is calling us to something far beyond what we could ever accomplish on our own. He is inviting us to imagine a day when all people have Scripture in their language and are able to worship Him. Those who say “yes” to this invitation will one day look back with gratitude and joy, knowing they were part of a pivotal moment in history.

Bible translation is often the starting point for other Great Commission activities such as church planting, evangelism and discipleship. When people can understand the Bible in their own language, they are empowered to share it with others, and the gospel spreads exponentially. This is God’s heart: that all people would encounter Him through His Word.

How You Can Get Involved

As we witness this historic move of God, we are reminded that this work cannot be done alone. It requires the collaborative efforts of individuals, churches and organizations around the world. God is inviting each of us to have a front-row seat to watch Him work and participate in what He is doing.

Whether through prayer, financial support or actively joining translation efforts, there are many ways you can be a part of this mission — including participating as a church. Let’s say “yes” together and watch God move in ways we never imagined.

This is a unique time in history, one where we have the opportunity to witness the global Church coming together to ensure every man, woman and child has access to God’s Word. As we move forward, let’s continue to pray for, support and engage with this mission.

God is working in powerful ways, and it’s an honor to be part of His mission. Together we can help bring God’s Word to the ends of the earth.

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Each week, you can receive an update on what God is doing around the world — directly to your phone! Stay informed, inspired and encouraged by the latest news, and join us in praying for God’s name to be made known among the nations through the work of Bible translation.

Text SIGHTINGS to 407-358-0916.

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