The Sihanaka of Madagascar: God Speaks in Our Language
God is moving in extraordinary ways all over the world — inviting us to a front-row seat as He works, and Bible translation is one of the clearest examples of this. In Madagascar, the Sihanaka people have experienced the transformative power of having God’s Word in their own language. Bible translation is bringing the message of hope and eternal life in a way that is clear, personal and deeply meaningful.
A Divine Invitation to Participate in God’s Mission
Olivia Razafinjatoniary, a translation consultant with SIL South Africa, embodies the joy that comes from being a part of God's global mission. “I love Bible translation, and obviously, I cannot hide that,” she said with infectious enthusiasm. Her passion is not just about translating words — it's about watching God work through the global Church, using His people to bring His message to every people and nation.
By translating the Bible into local languages, communities like the Sihanaka are recognizing that God didn’t leave them out of His plan. Olivia explained:
This sense of personal connection with Scripture is life-changing. God is using His Church to transform lives, and Olivia's story is a reflection of how exciting it is to be part of this God-sized movement.
The Global Church Takes Ownership

There are at least 12 languages represented in Madagascar, and local churches have long felt the burden to see the Bible translated into each of them. Pastor Njato Rakotobe challenged his congregation with a question that pierced their hearts:
This sparked a renewed urgency for Bible translation as the church realized they had a responsibility to lead the work for their communities.
Dr. John Chesnut, president and CEO of Wycliffe USA, witnessed the incredible work of a church in Madagascar. “This church … said, ‘We want in on this. We want to see, as part of our church, these evangelistic outreaches into other areas of Madagascar.’”
This particular church’s heart for evangelism led them to translate four full Bibles in just four years — an unprecedented achievement that was possible only through their willingness to say “yes” to God's invitation.
The global Church is expanding as people encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language they clearly understand. The Sihanaka people, like so many others around the world, crave the Word of God in their own language just like they crave food. When they receive it, their lives are transformed.
As Pastor Njato recalled, “People, they are hungry — hungry for the Word of God when it is in their own language. They feel like receiving good food. And they say, ‘Wow, that is for us, and God speaks in our own language.’”

The Sihanaka Bible: A Milestone of Transformation
On July 14, 2024, the Sihanaka Bible was dedicated. This momentous occasion was a celebration of God’s faithfulness, and it was a powerful demonstration of how people’s lives are transformed when they encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language they understand.
Razafinjaka, a translator for the Sihanaka Bible, shared how the process of Bible translation “wakes up the real language” and opens doors for evangelism. She said:
The dedication of the Sihanaka Bible represents more than just a completed project — it is a testament to God’s mission moving forward. As communities receive the Bible in their own language, they experience God’s Word in a new way that connects with them on a deeply personal level.
God Is on the Move: A Vision for the Future

The dedication of the Sihanaka Bible marks the beginning of even greater work ahead: The church in Madagascar is launching eight new translation projects, engaging with more communities to bring God’s Word to them. This global movement is only possible through the collaboration of churches, organizations and communities.
Serge Razafinjatoniary, associate area director for SIL Anglo-Lusophone Africa, emphasized the significance of these various churches and organizations working together: “Partnership is not ‘plan B,’ partnership is ‘plan A.’”
This spirit of collaboration is driving the Bible translation movement forward.
Partnership and Innovation: A New Way of Working

As Bible translation efforts grow, Wycliffe and our partners are continually innovating to engage more people in this mission. Bible translation is not just about completing a task — it’s about making sure that people can encounter God and His Word in ways that transform their lives forever. Working together in humility and unity, churches and communities are accomplishing far more than any one group could achieve alone.
Churches in Madagascar are living out this God-sized vision. Through training local consultants, engaging students and partnering with organizations like Wycliffe and SIL Global (a strategic partner), they are ensuring the work of Bible translation continues for generations to come, allowing all people to experience the fullness of God within their own culture.
The Transforming Power of God’s Word

The Bible has the power to transform individual lives, families and entire communities — both here on earth and for eternity. Fear turns to hope, relationships are reconciled and communities are changed from the inside out. For the Sihanaka people, having God’s Word in their own language is like receiving spiritual nourishment — a meal that satisfies the deepest hunger for truth and meaning.
An Invitation to Join God’s Mission
God is using His global Church to impact the world in ways we’ve never seen before. Bible translation is just one part of this larger story, and it is a privilege to participate in it. As more people encounter Jesus through Scripture in their own language, the global Church continues to grow and expand at an unprecedented rate.
At Wycliffe, we’re humbled to be part of this God-sized movement. By working in partnership with churches and communities around the world, we’re witnessing the incredible ways that God is using Bible translation to bring hope, transformation and eternal life to people everywhere.
You’re part of this journey with us. Thank you for participating in this global mission! Your prayers, advocacy, giving and service are making a life-changing impact — bringing the light of God’s Word to those who’ve never had it before. (And if you’re learning about Bible translation work for the first time, we invite you to join us in this incredible journey!)
Together let’s see how God continues to transform lives in ways beyond what we could ever have asked or imagined.
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