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The Book of Joy: Joy in Victory

Mar 15, 2019  |  Susha Roberts

In the days leading up to the dedication of their New Testament, the Keliko people joyfully sing the words of Psalm 66:5 with a sense of victory: “Come and see what the Lord has done.” The church and translation team have overcome many obstacles to complete their translation project — trials, loss, displacement.

“Those in opposition [to the Keliko project] said, ‘Isaac, will you succeed in this translation?’” reflected translator Isaac Kenyi. “I said, ‘By [the] grace of God the Bible will come out.’ And they have seen it!”

A special church service was held at the Imvepi refugee settlement a few days before the dedication. The community that gathered praised God for what He has done for them over the years. Bishop Seme Nigo Abiuda preached, with nods and exclamations of assent from the people, that God Himself is the victor and they share in His victory:

“Why do we praise the Lord? We praise the Lord because the Scripture in our language is here! We praise the Lord because if He were not [with us] our [language] would not be in Scripture.

“The Lord has done so many things in our lives. Because He has done so many things in our lives, what are you going to do? Praise Him more and more! Pray and call upon His name. It is only God who can do great things.

“[King] David says we should get to know God. Tell testimonies to other people. … What do we [say to] the Lord? Thank you! The Lord has done marvelous, miraculous things. Things you are unable to do.

“Did the Keliko do things? I think the Lord has done these things through the people. That’s why we need to praise the Lord.”

Boxes of printed New Testaments and Old Testament portions

The Keliko translation team was responsible for the bulk of the work. But they acknowledge that the Lord brought them many great supporters and co-laborers. Those supporters also share in this victory with the Keliko. So do all the people who came alongside the Keliko to pray and to partner financially.

But the Keliko church leaders know that victory is much more than what’s already been accomplished. It’s about the joy that comes from being transformed by the eternal power of Scripture.

“I am therefore urging all the people to read, reflect and enrich their spiritual life using the translated materials such as the Bible, the ‘JESUS’ film, recorded Bible and [Scripture] songs to attain ... eternal life,” Bishop Seme declared in the dedication program.

“The Bible has been launched at a time when we are facing many challenges. It is my belief that the love of God provided through friends and partners will impact the next generation,” said Dimba David, dedication organizing committee chairman.

With the light of the Word shining in their hearts, the Keliko testify of God’s power in their lives. At the dedication, the Archbishop of Central Equatoria Internal Province, Episcopal Church of South Sudan, His Grace Dr. Paul Yugusuk was so moved by the transformation happening because of the Keliko New Testament that he expressed a desire to have the Scriptures translated into his own language.

“It is this infallible Word of God we use to bring our people back to Sudan. It is this Word of God we use to bring our people to salvation,” said the Archbishop.

The victory has only just begun.

Pastors hold up new Bibles

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