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Threads of Faith Through Generations

Mar 21, 2025

Who first introduced you to God’s Word? What people in your life have shaped your faith journey? Maybe a pastor, friend or family member comes to mind. As one generation shares stories of God’s presence and faithfulness, the next grows stronger.

Imagine a tapestry woven with vibrant threads; each strand represents a person’s life and their legacy. Every thread tells the story of their faith: the prayers that they prayed, the wisdom they shared with their family or the quality time spent in God’s Word.

One powerful way faith is passed down across generations and cultures is through Bible translation. When people receive God’s Word in their own language, faith takes root in their hearts and transforms lives — both now and for generations to come.

Chong Soo with her daughter Lisa as a baby.

The Power of Bible Translation in Korea: Faith through the Generations

Language shapes how people understand and experience the world. Bible translation is about more than just translating words on a page. It’s about empowering people to encounter God in a way they fully understand through Scripture.

Bible translation has profoundly impacted Korea. More than a century ago, missionaries recognized the need for Scripture in Korean. Ever since the Scriptures became available in the Korean language, faith has flourished. Today, the Korean church drives one of the world’s strongest missionary-sending movements.

This legacy of faith began with a young Scottish missionary named John Ross who traveled to Sheen Yang, China, where he met three Korean merchants. As they shared about their homeland, he realized they didn’t have the Bible in their own language. Determined to meet this need, Ross partnered with these men and fellow missionary John McIntyre to translate the New Testament. In 1887, they completed the Gospel of John, laying the foundation for the full Korean Bible which would be published in 1911.

These early missionaries and Korean believers planted seeds of faith that continue to bear fruit today. The Korean church traces its roots to this moment of faithfulness, when God’s Word became accessible in their language. The impact of Bible translation spans across generations, shaping lives — including the family of Rev. Dr. Lisa Pak.

Lisa’s grandmother, Il Hwe Kim, was born in 1920 — just nine years after the full Bible was completed in Korean — and treasured her Bible. Lisa recalls hearing her grandmother read from her Korean Bible and seeing the worn red edges; God’s Word was precious to her grandmother. The words of Scripture shaped her faith and her daily life. It helped her model the love of Jesus to her family.

Il Hwe Kim, Lisa’s grandmother.

The Faithfulness of One Generation Inspires the Next

Il Hwe’s journey of faith was shaped by answered prayers and having God’s Word in her language. She got married at 19 and struggled with infertility for many years. So she prayed to God, and at the age of 33, she miraculously became pregnant. This powerful answer to prayer became foundational to her faith. While not everyone’s journey with infertility ends in this way, God used this experience to draw Lisa’s grandmother to Him.

Her faith in Christ grew, anchoring her throughout her life and battle with cancer. She instilled the importance of prayer and Scripture in her daughter, Chong Soo. Il Hwe attended prayer services nearly every day and encouraged Chong Soo to read and memorize God’s Word. These spiritual habits shaped her family and subsequently the future generations.

As Chong Soo raised her own children, she continued the legacy of faith. Chong Soo participated in Bible studies and church programs, and she taught her children about God’s Word.

Inspired by the faith of her mother and grandmother, Lisa felt called to ministry and attended seminary, despite gender and social stereotypes. Lisa’s grandmother was overjoyed when she followed in the footsteps of preachers like Billy Graham. Today Lisa serves as a passionate advocate for Bible translation and also for the next generation of believers. Chong Soo shared:

How Have Threads of Faith Led You to Where You Are Today?

From the Bible translators who make Scripture accessible to communities to followers of Christ who live out their faith for their families, the Good News continues to spread generation after generation. Reflecting on her faith and calling, Lisa shared:

The way that we live out our faith today shapes not only our own lives and families but generations of people we might never meet this side of eternity. Missionaries like John Ross and John McIntyre never got to witness the full ripple effect of their work — and that work is still ongoing to this day!

Because of the power of the Holy Spirit, God’s Word is transforming generations.

Il Hwe and Chong Soo on her graduation day.

Photo of Rev. Dr. Lisa Pak.

A Legacy That Continues

Let’s boldly proclaim — to our family, friends and the world — all that God has done and continues to do through His Word: “Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power” (Psalm 145:4, NLT). We also get the chance to celebrate His ongoing faithfulness, especially in the milestone moments of Bible translation.

By making God’s Word accessible to all people in a language they clearly understand, Scripture shapes generations of believers, just as the Korean Bible has influenced Lisa Pak’s family. The impact of this spiritual heritage stretches across time and places, transforming lives long after the work is done. Bible translation bridges communities, connects believers and advances God’s Kingdom. The faith we have today is part of a much larger story — one that began long before us and will continue long after us.

Who are the people who shaped your faith journey? How can you model faith for the generations to come?

Take time today to thank God for those who introduced you to His Word. Then consider how you can continue that legacy — through prayer, giving, serving or sharing Scripture with others. Faith is a gift that is meant to be passed on, and you are part of God’s unfolding story.

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Link arms with the global Church and pray for active Bible translation projects around the world.

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