What Are You Doing With Your Time, Talent and Treasure?
What does it mean to live generously? In a world where time is scarce, talents often go unnoticed and it feels like we never have enough money, generosity might seem difficult to practice.
God has entrusted each of us with resources to steward and responsibilities to manage. Our material and immaterial resources aren’t just things to stockpile or use for personal gain. They are gifts that have the potential to reflect God’s love, uplift others and make an eternal impact.
So how can we live generously with what we’ve been given?

1. Stewarding Your Time for the Kingdom of God
Time is one of our most precious resources, and how we spend it reflects what matters most to us. Does the way you spend your time align with what brings you joy and fulfillment? How are you using your time on earth to make a difference for eternity?
At the age of 102, Dottie Brown continues to steward her time for the Kingdom of God. Since the 1960s, she and her husband have supported 17 missionary families, as well as various Bible translation projects. Dottie has even had the opportunity to attend Scripture celebrations! Her living legacy of perseverance and generosity shows us that every day is an opportunity to make an eternal difference. Dottie knows the power that God’s Word can make in people’s lives — now and for generations to come:
Dottie has generously devoted so many years of her life to the mission of Bible translation because she knows that two things last for eternity: God’s Word and people.
Our small, intentional choices today carry eternal significance. What if you incorporated praying for Bible translation into your daily 9-to-5 routine? What if your donation could help someone know God’s love for them in their own language for the very first time?
How will you make your time count today?

2. Using Your Talents for God’s Glory
God has equipped you with unique talents and skills. Whether you’re a teacher, tech expert, artist or mechanic, your abilities have the potential to bless others and point them to Christ.
The night before the Sihanaka Bible dedication in the town of Ambatondrazaka, Madagascar, people from a local church performed a dramatic presentation in the Sihanaka language. Within their performance were numerous musical portions that touched on major stories from the Bible. Their creativity brought the Good News to life for their community and showed how talents can make a Kingdom impact.

Using your gifts with purpose not only serves others but can also help transform people’s lives forever. You were created to reflect God’s creativity and called to contribute to His mission. 1 Corinthians 12:27 reminds us: “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it” (NLT). As members of the global Church, we have a mission — to use what God has gifted to us in order to share the gospel. The Word of God has the power to capture hearts and transform lives, and you can be a part of seeing the Bible go out in all languages so that all people can worship God.
What gifts and talents has God entrusted to you, and how might He be calling you to use them?

3. Stewarding Treasure to Make an Eternal Impact
Living by faith challenges us to see finances as God’s provision that He entrusted to us to further His Kingdom. When stewarded wisely, financial resources can produce lasting Kingdom impact.
Did you know that it costs about $35 to translate a single verse of Scripture? That’s the price of a takeout meal, a few movie theater tickets or some cups of coffee out with friends. Even small, sacrificial gifts can have eternal significance as churches and individuals join together to support this vital work. Investing in eternal treasures — like the translation of God’s Word — reflects a heart aligned with His mission.
But when we faithfully steward our earthly treasures, the priceless gift of God’s Word becomes accessible to those who need it most. Janet, a Wycliffe donor, traveled to a Scripture dedication for a Bible translation project in Tanzania that her family supported, and was moved by the experience.
“We took a van to the ceremony, and from our van we saw people walking long distances along the road, dressed up for the celebration of their Bible dedication,” Janet recalled. “We heard pastors speak and pray, the choir sang three or four times and there was worship through dancing. Several hundred people were standing the whole time in the hot sun, holding babies in their arms.
“But they came there for a purpose — walked all that distance, waited all that time — because they so wanted the Bible in their language. You saw the people kiss their Bibles and hold them up to their chests like precious gifts. It caused me to treasure my own Scriptures more, and it changed my heart as much as I knew it was going to change their hearts.”
God’s Word truly is the greatest treasure. Stewarding our resources wisely isn’t just about making financial decisions — it’s about valuing and prioritizing the things that matter most, like ensuring others have access to the Bible.
How can you use the resources God has entrusted to you to bless others and glorify Him?
Dare to Live Generously
We’re blessed to bless others. Living out biblical generosity isn’t just about money; it encompasses how we devote our time, talents, resources and more to advance God’s Kingdom and the Great Commission globally.
Explore what generosity means for your life in our free 7-day devotional.