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You're Invited to Participate in God's Global Mission

Feb 6, 2024

Today local churches are asking for — and sometimes even starting — Bible translation themselves. And they don’t want to wait for the work to start; they want to start it now. Local churches are playing a significant role in Bible translation for their own communities, and that’s exponentially accelerating the pace of the work. The global Church is taking ownership of Bible translation.

As believers in Christ, we have the opportunity to participate in God’s global mission in many ways, including in Bible translation. Learn more about this incredible season in the history of Bible translation and how God is inviting us to play a role in seeing His name made known among the nations in the languages and formats people clearly understand.

God is doing amazing things around the world, and you can be a part of seeing people encounter Him through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand. Join the work by praying with us!

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