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Combined Federal Campaign


An opportunity to give to charities through your workplace!

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The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the world’s most successful workplace giving program. It is available to federal employees and retirees. The CFC raises millions of dollars each year for distribution to many eligible charities.

Wycliffe is an eligible charity for CFC donations. Wycliffe (CFC #11737) sponsors Bible translation and literacy work around the world. Millions of people still do not have one verse of the Bible. Wycliffe seeks to help develop writing systems, teach literacy and translate the Bible and other materials into a language and format that people clearly understand. Often people in these language communities deal with oppression, civil conflict and other hardships. Wycliffe’s Bible translation and literacy efforts help them find freedom and hope, along with the opportunity for peace with God and people through the gospel.

By participating in CFC, your donations will:

  • Help Wycliffe translate God’s Word for language communities still waiting to have it.
  • Bring hope to communities by helping start and sustain literacy efforts for those who want to learn to read and write in their language.
  • Enable Wycliffe to support translation and literacy projects around the world, applying the funds where they are most needed.

Stories That Share The Impact Of Your Giving

Jesus Speaks
Scripture Access
Samesh decided to follow Jesus after encountering Him in a dream. He was heartbroken to find there was no Scripture in his language, so he became...
Thriving After Tragedy
Bible Translation
After a tsunami struck the Arop community in 1998, the surviving translation team members felt a deep sense of urgency to help other nearby...