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Jason and Brenda Carwile
The Pamosu translation project is a work towards translation and discipleship that the Carwiles have taken over leadership. The word "Pamosu" is...
Joyce Wood
Joyce serves as a linguistics consultant in Papua New Guinea, a South Pacific country with amazing linguistic diversity. She enjoys teaching...
Kurt and Johanna Metzger
Kurt and Johanna, with their children Kassia, Lukas and Matthias, have served since 2007 in the task of Bible translation in Papua New Guinea, a...
Jason & Jaime Brewer
Jason and Jaime Brewer, along with their 3 children, have served in Papua New Guinea since 2013 supporting and serving Bible Translation efforts...
Teri & Rachel Miles
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how...
Greg & Bethann Carlson
What a thrill it is for us to see people receive God's Word in their own language! We worked with the North Tanna language community of Vanuatu...
Colin & Dianne Lord
Colin and Dianne teach missionary children at the Ukarumpa International School (UIS) in Papua New Guinea (PNG). UIS supports Bible...
Brent & Krista Fox
Brent and Krista’s vision for mission aviation was inspired by their time spent in Liberia, West Africa. The Foxes serve in Papua New Guinea....
Ben & Mandy Pehrson
The Pehrsons have served with Wycliffe since 2000, now team leaders for the Aitape West Translation Program in Papua New Guinea. Ben's passion is...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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