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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Danny & Becca DeLoach
Danny and Becca have a passion to see people engaging with God’s Word in their own languages. They serve in Scripture Engagement, which means...
Phil & Debbie Robertson
Phil & Debbie retired Jan. 31, 2021 from 33 years of service with Wycliffe. They served in Quebec, Canada, Dallas, TX, at JAARS in Waxhaw, NC, and...
Paul & Krisanne Emch
The Emches have been living and working in Indonesia since June 2009. They partner with an extensive network of Indonesian churches and national...
Wayne & Maggie Ferris
After serving in Papua New Guinea from 1996-2018, Wayne and Maggie are now living in Pennsylvania and serving in State-side support roles with...
David Sperr
David has been asked, “So why would you want to be involved in missionary aviation”. His response is in three parts: First, David knows, that...
Rich & Judy Reid
Why Bible Translation? To make God’s Word accessible to all people in their own language. Bible translation is foundational to every aspect of...
Greg & Bethann Carlson
What a thrill it is for us to see people receive God's Word in their own language! We worked with the North Tanna language community of Vanuatu...
Craig & Sarah Marshall
Craig and Sarah love being a part of helping to get God’s Word into the hands of those waiting to hear, and watching people have their “aha”...
Phil & Rachel Shrier
Phillip and Rachel have been called to enable Bible translation through the education of Wycliffe team members' children. Providing this critical...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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