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   Yes! Sign Me Up for Free VBS Curriculum

Yes! Sign Me Up for Free VBS Curriculum

You’ll also receive emails with more resources for your church. We take your privacy seriously so we’ll carefully protect your information.

Want to teach kids about God’s heart for people around the world? Kate & Mack’s Summer Adventure helps you do just that!

In this five-day adventure, kids meet missionary kid Kate and her faithful parrot friend, Mack. They're on an adventure to make new friends from different countries all around the world. And your church’s kids can join them! 

Together, they’ll discover that although there are a lot of differences between them and their new friends, there's one thing that's the same — they're all loved by the God who knows their language and wants to be their friend.

You can run this VBS curriculum as a comprehensive program or break down the activities and utilize them to supplement your Sunday school lessons throughout the year.