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Human Resources and People Care

Help people thrive and grow in Bible translation
Human Resources and People Care
Help people thrive and grow in Bible translation

We may be passionate about the task of Bible translation, but we love the people even more.

After all, the reason we believe everyone should have access to God’s Word is because God loves people.

Supporting people to thrive within a diverse global community can be challenging and even messy. But if you’re up for an enriching adventure, you can use your skills in HR, events, recruiting, church engagement, medical care and adult education.

Jackie Lebron, Leads Benefit Specialist

"Having worked in corporate America for over 20 years ... it’s been refreshing to be able to work in an environment where the person comes first. We see each other as children of God. [My team likes] to say that we serve at Wycliffe, not work at Wycliffe, because serving comes first.”

— Jackie Lebron, senior director of total rewards

At Wycliffe Bible Translators, our passion is partnering with the global Church, and we don’t take that task lightly. We love bringing together different cultures, generations, personalities and convictions to find a common path. We rely on God’s help and pursue unity because we want everyone to feel seen, be heard and belong. Come make an impact in:

  • Mental and Physical Health: Medical professionals, from doctors and nurses to counselors and dentists, serve missionaries and local communities where healthcare is often not easily accessible.
  • Events and Recruiting: Recruiting, staffing and events roles focus on sharing the many ways that the people can join the global Bible translation movement and helping people find their perfect fit.
  • Learning and Development: Career counselors, adult educators, intercultural trainers and spiritual mentors help equip new missionaries for life overseas or when they must transition back to life in the U.S.
  • Human Resources: HR professionals care for people throughout their entire journey with Wycliffe, helping them to thrive as they serve in the many ways God has called them.
  • Church Engagement: Church facilitators help support churches as they find their place in the global Bible translation movement.

God is on the move in the world! Ready to do your part?


Find out about new opportunities to serve, upcoming events and get the latest Bible translation updates.

Wycliffe partners with over 100 organizations around the world — you’ll have opportunities to work alongside local communities through our strategic partner organizations.

Learn more about serving in HR and people care

Stewarding People: Critical Roles in HR

For us, human resources is more than numbers and benefits. Watch our webinar to see how we live that out and you can too!

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Giving a Cup of Cold Water in His Name: Serving as a Nurse

Read how everything clicked into place for Leah when she realized Wycliffe had positions for nurses.

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Multiplying Missionaries: The Role of a Mobilizer

Watch our webinar to find out how you can multiply your impact through the journey of dozens or hundreds of potential missionaries!

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"This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

— John 15:12-13 (NLT)