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Linguistics and Translation
Use your language skills in Bible translation

Linguistics and Translation

Use your language skills in Bible translation

You’ve come to the place of the language nerds.

And we’re proud of it. Because we’re driven by one goal: that all people should be able to access God's Word in their own languages. For over 80 years, Wycliffe Bible Translators and our partners have been leading the world in language development and Bible translation.

This is an exciting time to join the global Bible translation movement — God is accelerating translation globally at an unprecedented rate!

If you’re gripped by the same passion, then you can use your love of languages, puzzles, discipleship and cultures to partner with local translation teams as they give their communities access to God’s Word in their own languages.

Ben and Renee Kuwitzy

"Our lives have been changed by the gospel. We are free from condemnation. We have been given grace and we live in freedom from sin and eternal punishment. And we want other people to live with that freedom and joy and eternal hope.”

— Ben and Renee Kuwitzky, Bible translation consultant and care team

Bible translation is far more than just a process by Google Translate. It takes commitment to invest in relationships, willingness to learn and a pursuit of excellence. Come make an impact as a:

  • Translation Adviser: Work alongside one or more language communities to help facilitate and advise Bible translation.
  • Linguistic Consultant: Partner with translation advisers and language communities to help solve difficult linguistic challenges.
  • Translation Consultant: Support translation teams with biblical knowledge and exegesis skills.

Did you know that engineers and accountants make some of the best linguists? You don’t necessarily need a degree in linguistics or have advanced biblical education to begin (though if you already have a seminary degree or are a biblical scholar, then check out Convergence — a program just for you!). Before you start a degree program, we recommend you talk with a missions coach who can advise you on your best next steps.

Sign Language Bible Translation

Today there are hundreds of sign languages still waiting for access to God’s Word around the world. Considered the final frontier of Bible translation, sign languages have complex grammar systems that differ from spoken languages, so translating the Bible requires different processes and cutting-edge technology.

If you’re a lifelong learner and ready to grow, you can serve on a global team and come alongside in partnership with people groups like the Deaf who are often ignored and forgotten.

God is on the move in the world! Ready to do your part?


Find out about new opportunities to serve, upcoming events and get the latest Bible translation updates.

Wycliffe partners with over 100 organizations around the world — you’ll have opportunities to work alongside local communities through our strategic partner organizations.

Learn more about serving in linguistics and translation


What's it like to serve in translation and linguistics?

Watch our webinar series on translation challenges, including a day in the life of a Bible translation adviser!

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4 Things You Need to Know About Sign Language Bible Translation
Scripture Access, Sign Language
God is at work through sign languages around the world, allowing Deaf to access Scripture.

How One Word Can Be Complex

Prepare to be fascinated as Rick Floyd shares how one word in Quechua is a whole sentence in English!

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But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?

— Romans 10:14 (NLT)