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Serve in Missions

7 Things To Do This Year: A Checklist for Your Journey to Missions

Jan 2, 2025

With the start of a new year, you might be inspired to make new goals and plans for the months ahead. Why not do the same for your missions journey? Here are seven practical things you can do this year as you consider how God is inviting you to be involved in the transformational work of Bible translation.

1. Watch a webinar.

Now is the time to explore what your journey to missions could look like! Our one-hour webinars are designed for you to hear from Wycliffe missionaries serving around the world. You’ll get to learn about a variety of topics ranging from Bible translation to the global Church to practical tips for serving and more! Check out our upcoming events.

Hands holding an inflatable globe of the world

2. Register for the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course.

If you’re exploring missions and want to learn more about God’s global purpose to share the gospel with the nations, check out the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course! Although this class isn’t required in order to serve with Wycliffe, Perspectives can help you dig deeper in your discernment process as you explore serving in missions. Classes are in person or online, and many spring classes start in January!

3. Establish a new, healthy habit.

Participating in God’s global mission can be rewarding but it’s not without its challenges. What habits can you start this year that will help you grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

Check out five habits to practice before you become a missionary, or apply one of these 12 practical ways to evaluate and strengthen your emotional health.

Remember: the first step is to ground yourself in Jesus, as Scripture reminds us: “Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong” (Ephesians 3:17, NLT).

Brick church building

4. Serve in your community.

As you consider a path in missions, how are you engaging with your local community today? Perhaps there are ways you can support your missionary friends, serve on your missions team at church or volunteer with local ministries. Grow your passion for what God is doing around the world by joining the Wycliffe prayer community!

5. Talk to your pastor or trusted leader.

If you’re thinking about becoming a missionary, it’s important to let your pastor or church leader know early on in the decision-making process. By building relationships with your pastor or church leader, you will gain support and can work together to fulfill what God is leading you to do. For tips on how to start the conversation, read our blog post “7 Questions to Ask Your Pastor When You're Thinking About Missions.”

People praying

6. Pray about your next steps.

It takes strength and commitment to navigate the complexities of a global organization. Missionaries aren’t perfect: They’re on lifelong journeys as they grow into the people God wants them to be. What’s the next step of that journey for you? Spend time in prayer and consider watching our webinar about practical disciplines you can begin using today.

7. Schedule a meeting with a recruiter.

Our team of recruiters are the best resource to help you discover your part in the work of Bible translation. Our recruiters can help you think about timing, training or education needs for serving and connect you with overseas partners so you can hear about specific teams and projects.

No matter what is next for you, you can rest in the knowledge that God will lead you when you say “yes” to Him. Scripture tells us: “The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength” (Isaiah 58:11a, NLT).
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