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Serve in Missions

Celebrating the Eternal Impact of Scripture

Mar 3, 2025
Ed Brye family

Meet Ed! Ed and Beth Brye have served in Bible translation for more than 35 years. Ed has served in a variety of ways with Wycliffe, using his gifts and experiences to speak at events, coordinate linguistic assessment efforts, arrange instructors for Perspectives classes and contribute to strategic initiatives. In his current role, he connects with people who are considering their own journey to missions.

Twenty-five years ago, the Bryes took on a massive task: They contributed to Bible translation survey work in 45 language communities, which led to the start of multiple translation projects across Cameroon.

In December 2024 Ed, Beth and their family had the opportunity to return to Cameroon to attend the New Testament dedications of six people groups in the Misaje Cluster they had worked with years before — the Chung, Naami, Mungong Kemedzung, Sari and Ncane. Ed shared about his recent experience at the dedications.

People carrying supplies, walking down the side of a Cameroon road

All Scripture for All People

Everyone deserves to know and understand God’s great love for them personally. That’s why we want to see all Scripture made available for all people. Local churches are asking us to train them, journey with them and assist with resources — at a pace we’ve never experienced before!

In Matthew 28:19-20a Jesus commanded His disciples: “… Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you” (NLT). Local church leaders recognize that a lack of Scripture is a barrier to fulfilling the Great Commission through evangelism, discipleship, church planting and other forms of ministry. Ed said, “To be discipled, people need God’s Word, which is the objective source.” He continued:

A Time to Celebrate

The six communities that dedicated the New Testaments in Cameroon are unique: They all began Bible translation projects on the same day in 2011! Thirteen years later, all 23 translators who attended the initial training and worked on the translation projects together were present at the dedication!

When people encounter Jesus through Scripture, their lives are transformed forever. This is what drives us every day! Before, these groups accessed Scripture at church in English or Pidgin. But now they have Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand.

The New Testaments were prominently displayed during the dedications and represent hope for the six people groups as they continue to overcome challenges and heal from trauma. Ed said, “[For these communities] the New Testaments will become instruments of peace.”

Yaounde, Cameroon aerial view
Aerial view of Yaounde, Cameroon

A Global, Collaborative Community

As we work toward the day when everyone has God's Word in their language, we build relationships across countries and cultures in a global community. While back in Cameroon, Ed was able to reconnect with team members he worked with years ago, including leaders and community members. He had the chance to talk with the people who had partnered and collaborated with him as he and his team carried out tasks. This is an example of the body of Christ at work through Bible translation!

The work of Bible translation is an example of how God is on the move, bringing the global Church together. Although the journey to completing the New Testaments was met with challenges and unrest, God did abundantly more than we can imagine to accomplish His work in the Misaje Cluster of Cameroon. Now local churches are poised and ready to bring Scripture to their own communities in their own languages.

Celebrating Together

During the dedication, each people group had the opportunity to celebrate by presenting music, dancing and speeches to commemorate the occasion. A symbolic ceremony demonstrated their reverence for God’s Word, as well as the peace and hope of His promises. They rejoiced over what God has done in their communities because they have access to His Word in a language that is clear and natural to them. After experiencing the joy of the dedication, Ed said, “[It was] a good reminder of the treasure I have [in God’s Word]!”

Coordinators, linguists, advisors and representatives from multiple organizations shared in the enthusiasm. During the dedication speeches, organizational and community leaders recognized the Brye family’s work and contributions to surveys and assessments 25 years earlier. Ed said:

More people are receiving Scripture in their language, but there is still work to do! That’s what Vision 2025 is all about: to have a translation program in progress in every language still needing one by the year 2025. But praise God, the work is accelerating as local churches play a significant role!

We look forward to the day that is promised in Revelation 7:9 when people from every nation, people group and language will stand before God’s throne! For Ed, this verse is an encouragement:

Your Next Steps

God has invited us to be a part of making His name known among the nations, and you too could be a part of seeing Scripture made available for all communities still waiting. When you serve with us, your contributions will have a tangible and eternal impact as people encounter Jesus and His love in a way that transforms their lives forever.

Learn More

Learn more about serving in Bible translation!

When you serve with us, you’ll find a purpose greater than yourself and belong to a global faith community. Discover your next steps.

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