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Never Too Young to Make a Difference

Mar 27, 2024
Isaac and Claire hive some of their money to organizations and causes they are excited about
Isaac, 5, and Claire, 8, give some of their money to organizations and causes they are excited about. Isaac recently gave to the Union Gospel Mission, providing the funds for someone to stay one night in the mission. Claire gave to the Bible translation movement.

As Claire and Isaac Petersen put away laundry and clean their rooms, they’re making a positive impact on the world.

Claire, 8, and Isaac, 5, each earn a small amount of money for completing their daily chores. When they finish helping around the house, they take their earnings over to their “piggy banks.”

But these banks don’t look like pigs. Instead, the prism-like containers have three unique compartments, labeled “give,” “spend” and “save.” Claire and Isaac divide their money between the three towers, and as the “give” funds accumulate, they look for a person, organization or cause that they’re excited to give to.

Her family was gathered around the kitchen table, where her mother Melissa read an email she’d received from a friend — Catherine Graul, who serves with Wycliffe Bible Translators.

In her email, Catherine shared about Vision 2025 — the desire to see a Bible translation started in every language that needs one by the year 2025. Catherine explained that for many years, this vision seemed nearly impossible to achieve.

“In the last year alone, it's suddenly become feasible,” Catherine wrote. “That's because God is doing incredible things around the world that we never could have asked or imagined. The rate of Bible translation has sped up like we've never seen before in the history of the Church.”

Claire Petersen gave $18.50 to Bible translation, eager to see God’s Word in every language that still needs it
Claire Petersen gave $18.50 to Bible translation,
eager to see God’s Word in every language that still needs it.

Upon hearing this, Claire wanted to give her money to Bible translation efforts — and she wanted to do it before she went to bed that night. Melissa went to Wycliffe’s website and helped Claire give $18.50 to Jessie Wright, another friend who works as a translation mentor for the Tiaang language in Papua New Guinea.

When Melissa asked Claire why other kids who wanted to give should consider Wycliffe, Claire explained: “I want people to know about God, and since [the work is] almost done, you could just get it done sooner.”

The Petersen family is no stranger to Bible translation — in fact, Melissa served with Wycliffe as a teacher in Papua New Guinea from 2011 to 2012. Now when she receives messages from her Wycliffe friends, she is eager to pass the news along to her family.

Melissa and her husband, Keith, are enthusiastic about their children learning to give from a young age. They use Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace” resources for kids to emphasize ideas like integrity, saving money and giving.

Melissa concluded: “I really like exposing our kids to the different causes and ministries that they might want to be a part of later, and starting that relationship early so that they can see how their skills might impact the world one day.”

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