Passion for God’s Word Leads to Faithful Generosity

Randy Lider grew up in the Jewish faith but became a Christian in his 40s after reading the New Testament for the first time. Since that encounter, God has continued to use the Bible to transform Randy’s life.
Randy first learned about Wycliffe Bible Translators in Orlando, Florida when a neighbor who had once served on staff introduced him to the organization. A few years, later a coworker told him about a job opportunity as a flight coordinator in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with SIL International, Wycliffe USA’s primary strategic partner. The role fit perfectly with his military experience as an Air Force operations systems management specialist and, soon after applying, he was on his way to the Pacific island.
While in Papua New Guinea, Randy was instrumental in making the gospel accessible to a rural people group. Randy asked an SIL Aviation pilot to take the “JESUS” film in Tok Pisin (an English-based Creole that is the most widely used language in PNG) with him on the flight Randy had scheduled. Randy's desire to share the gospel made the way for people in that area to meet Jesus.
Once he completed his two-year assignment with SIL, Randy returned to the U.S. In June 2018, he became a volunteer in the Advancement department of Wycliffe USA where he’s worked the past four years as a data specialist, helping care for donors through mailed correspondence.
In addition to giving his time and talents, Randy recently decided to make a planned gift to Wycliffe because he wants to make the Bible accessible to everyone.
He had already planned to donate to several charitable organizations through his will, but decided to make an appointment with David Davies, senior gift planning advisor with Wycliffe Foundation, to talk more about his options.
Randy shared, “David made the process simple. He gave me what I needed for my attorney … to make Wycliffe a beneficiary.”
Randy’s passion for God’s Word led him to make a gift with eternal impact. He’s convinced that Bible translation is an essential part of sharing the love of Christ with every person. According to Randy, “Knowing the Bible in their own language enables people to connect to God. To change people’s hearts, minds and — by extension — their lives, they need the Word of God. To have faith, we need to know His Word.”
Wycliffe Foundation can help you create a will that reflects biblical principles and meets your stewardship goals. We invite you to contact us at [email protected] or 877‑493‑3600.
We would be delighted to talk with you, answer any questions you may have or schedule a time for you to talk with one of our senior gift planning advisors. Working with Wycliffe Foundation is a complimentary service for donors.