The Christmas Story: Mary’s Faith, Trust and Hope
The weary world rejoices.

Do you have a favorite Christmas hymn? Maybe you love singing “Joy to the World” at your church’s Christmas Eve service or feel a sense of peace listening to the verses in “Silent Night.”
Songs help us reflect on the Christmas season and find comfort, joy and peace. One beloved hymn, “O Holy Night,” captures the heart of Advent: “A thrill of hope! The weary world rejoices. Long lay the world in sin and error pining, till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.”
Facing an unknown future, Mary lifted her voice in praise to God. She was reminded that God fulfills His promises and that His plan for her life was bigger than her fears. Her song, the Magnificat (which is Latin for “magnify”), overflows with joy in God’s faithfulness:
- “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord.
- How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
- For he took notice of his lowly servant girl,
- and from now on all generations will call me blessed.
- For the Mighty One is holy,
- and he has done great things for me.
- He shows mercy from generation to generation
- to all who fear him” (Luke 1:46-50, NLT).
Mary’s response in the midst of uncertainty demonstrates that hope takes root in our lives when we trust God’s promises. The Magnificat is something that we can turn to today when we feel weary and need a reminder that God has a redemptive plan for our lives — whether we can see it in the moment or not.
But not everyone around the world today can access verses from the Book of Luke in their language. That’s why Bible translation matters: It brings us the strength, comfort and peace found in God’s Word in the midst of our fears.
Mary’s Faith in the Face of Fear
Mary had every reason to be afraid. She was young, engaged and told by an angel she was pregnant. This was overwhelming news. Imagine her thoughts: “Will my family reject me? Will Joseph believe me?” Fear of rejection must have weighed heavily on her.
But Mary didn’t dwell on fear: “Mary responded, ‘I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true’ …” (Luke 1:38, NLT). Later Elizabeth affirmed her faith by saying, “You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said” (Luke 1:45, NLT).
Mary offers us practical reminders for focusing on faith over fear:
- Start with praise — Instead of worrying, Mary glorified God: “… Oh, how my soul praises the Lord” (Luke 1:46, NLT). She anchored herself in God’sf aithfulness.
- Embrace your role in God’s story — Mary trusted His purposes: “For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and from now on all generations will call me blessed” (Luke 1:48, NLT).
- Reflect on God’s goodness and justice — Mary found comfort in God’s history of faithfulness and promises: “His mighty arm has done tremendous things!” (Luke 1:51a, NLT).
Mary dispelled fear with praise, trusted God’s plan and reflected on His faithfulness. Through faith, she uncovered lasting hope — and we can too.
Women of Faith: Facing Fear and Trusting God
Throughout history, there are countless stories of women just like Mary who trusted in God’s faithfulness, despite fear and uncertainty. Whether they were the women listed in Jesus’ own genealogy or Bible translation pioneers, these women navigated obstacles as they lived out God’s call on their lives.
Even today, God continues to work through unexpected people and circumstances.

Selmira is a part of the Napo Quechua Bible translation team and is working to bring God’s Word to remote Amazon River villages. She perseveres in this work, passionately sharing Scripture with those struggling with alcoholism and violence.
Selmira’s journey began with dreams that led her to seek God through a Bible she could understand. She later discovered a workshop on sharing Bible stories in oral cultures just like hers. There, she met a Wycliffe translator named Christa. Selmira invited Christa and her translation partner, Maritsa, to her village to learn more Bible stories. As Selmira connected with other believers and deepened her understanding of Scripture, her life changed: She drank less and grew in love and compassion for those around her.
With every new story she translates, God reveals to Selmira how He’s been working in her life. Selmira’s faith and perseverance are reminiscent of Mary’s.
Selmira’s favorite thing about translation work is sharing the Bible stories with others. She spends every Sunday afternoon reading the newly translated stories to anyone who wants to listen. Selmira is building a legacy of faith in her community through her translation work. She said:
When people read, hear or see Scripture in their language, fear turns to faith and hearts are touched like never before. Selmira’s passion and perseverance remind us that Bible translation cultivates lasting hope.
Trusting God is not always easy in this weary world. But through living by faith, women like Selmira are pointing people to Christ. And you can help people encounter Christ through His life-changing Word too!
Spreading Hope Through Mary’s Faith
Even when her role in God’s plan felt unclear, Mary trusted His promises. God worked through her to change history, and Mary left a legacy of faith in God that continues to inspire today.
Like Mary, Selmira and so many others, we can find hope in God’s faithfulness during our struggles. These stories call us to trust Him and share the hope that He gives us with others. And because we have access to the Bible, we are able to find hope in Christ through uncertain times.
When people receive the Christmas story and other Scripture passages like the Magnificat in their own language, it transforms their understanding of God’s love. This is why we, at Wycliffe, are so passionate about Bible translation. By partnering in this work, you’re helping to ensure that everyone can experience the life-changing message of Jesus’ birth in a way that truly resonates with them.
This Advent, you can help others encounter the Good News of Christ through His Word so more people can receive the greatest story ever told in a language that touches their hearts.
Digging Deeper
- How has fear or uncertainty influenced your choices? When fear overwhelms you, how can Mary’s trust in God inspire you to step out in faith? Reflect on how God’s Word gives strength during uncertain times.
- Further reading: Isaiah 41:10.
- How can you reflect God’s love this Advent season? Just as Mary praised God and left a legacy of faith, we can offer the gift of Scripture through Bible translation and leave an eternal legacy as well. When people encounter God’s promises in their language, it brings transformation — now and for generations to come.
- Further reading: 1 John 4:9-11.