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Serve in Missions

Why I Serve With Wycliffe: Meet Bethany

Sep 3, 2024
Bethany Wallace and family

Meet Bethany! Bethany’s journey to missions began when she was in college. She had the opportunity to travel overseas to serve in a country three times every summer as part of an English teaching group. This inspired her and ignited her passion to be part of a global community.

Through these experiences, Bethany felt very clearly that God was leading her to serve in missions. Although she knew God was asking her to stay in that country and continue to serve, she hesitated. She explained, “At the time, I was too afraid to follow God.” Bethany spent many years wondering what might have happened if she had said “yes” to God in that moment.

As Bethany’s faith and trust in God grew, He was faithful to provide her with another opportunity to serve Him. She said, “Thankfully God brought me to the place I am today.”

But that journey also required her to depend on Him in new ways.

An Answered Prayer

In 2020, Bethany felt like God wanted her to do something different and start something new. But she wasn’t able to discern how God was leading her yet. She turned to prayer for wisdom and guidance on her next steps. She said: “I started praying, ‘I’ll do whatever You want me to do, but You’re going to have to show it to me.’”

Bethany decided to “jump in” and, within a few months, she had taken the steps to join Wycliffe as a missionary. She said, “I finally said ‘yes’ to God about serving in missions, and here I am!”

Making an Impact

At Wycliffe we’re witnessing God move in ways that we have never seen before in the history of the world! By serving with the global body of Christ, Bethany has an opportunity to be part of what God is doing through the global Bible translation movement, as churches and communities engage the last remaining languages that need access to God's Word.

Bible translation is often the starting place for other Great Commission activities such as church planting, evangelism and discipleship. Bethany said, “I’m … so grateful to be part of an organization that is all about the Great Commission.”

Say “Yes”

Each of us is on a journey of being transformed into Christ’s image as we depend on God, pray with expectation and trust Him. Bethany has learned many things throughout her journey to Wycliffe, but one thing in particular stands out for her:

When you’re thinking about your gifts, skills or level of education, it can be easy to compare yourself to others. Common concerns or fears about missions may surface. But Bethany emphasized, “God can use people of all ages and all walks of life and all stages of life. There are all sorts of ways that you can serve. Of course you can serve full time. You can also serve part time. You can volunteer. … Do not limit what God can do.”

God is inviting us to take part in what He is doing around the world! We are seeing lives are transformed when people encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand. And when you participate in what God is doing, you’ll be part of a mission that is deeply fulfilling.

How is God leading you to serve in missions?

Sign up to find out about new opportunities to serve, upcoming events, the latest Bible translation updates and more.

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