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Serve in Missions

Why I Serve With Wycliffe: Meet David

May 1, 2024
David and Carleen Heath
David and Carleen Heath

Meet David Heath! When David was in Bible college, he heard a special guest speaker. David said, “It was kind of surprising — he just started listing off a bunch of things that God might be leading people into.” When the speaker mentioned Bible translation, David immediately felt as if God was inviting him to contribute to Bible translation work. So he prayed and talked with others about how he thought God might be directing him.

He remembered, “It was so beautiful how God confirmed [how He was leading] through my family, through my friends that knew me well and also [when I was] actually going through the Wycliffe training.”

Since then, David has had the opportunity to participate in what God is doing in His church in West Africa.

“We can … learn a lot about God and about who we are when we interact with our brothers and sisters from other cultures.”

One of the things David is most excited about is seeing the local communities he works alongside access Scripture in a variety of formats. He said, “Audio Bibles are very simple devices that have a solar panel on the back.

African man plays translated audio Scriptures on a portable solar powered device
African man plays translated audio Scriptures on a portable solar powered device.

[In one language] we have the whole New Testament on one of these. … People can listen to [Scripture] … even before it gets to the point of being printed.”

Not only does the audio format help during the translation process, but it also allows people to access God’s Word while literacy work is developing in their community so they don’t have to wait to be transformed by Scripture. David expressed, “That’s really exciting for me.”

For nearly 30 years, David has seen lives transformed when people encounter Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand.

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