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Serve in Missions

Why I Serve With Wycliffe: Meet Jacqueline

Oct 3, 2024
Jacquline with Michael and Camila

Meet Jacqueline! She began serving with Wycliffe in February 2024 as a part-time employee on a short-term basis. She made an impact by contributing to priority projects and collaborating with the team. In August 2024, she had the opportunity to begin serving in a full-time leadership role.

God has been at work throughout Jacqueline’s life, and she shared five things that played a part in her journey to serving with Wycliffe.

1. A Strong Church Community

While attending college in California, Jacqueline began to explore God’s will for her life. She found a Christ-following community that provided her with accountability, encouragement and spiritual support. She said, “My church community has been where I’ve found strength in both joyful and challenging seasons.”

She was excited to grow deeper in her faith while also pursuing her career at a leading technology company in California, when a family emergency drew her to move back to her hometown. The support and wisdom of her local church leaders helped her navigate that difficult time.

One conversation was especially pivotal. She said, “We were praying together, and I felt God calling me to something bigger, something unexpected.” Jacqueline followed God’s lead and moved from California to Chicago — a move that not only took her out of her comfort zone but also redirected her professional path. As she stepped out in faith, Jacqueline experienced God’s guidance every step of the way. She said:

2. The Power of Scripture

Seasons of uncertainty, fear and challenge happen in life. In these moments, the path ahead can seem unclear or even daunting. For Jacqueline, God’s Word has provided the strength and assurance she needs to press forward regardless of circumstances. One Scripture verse in particular has brought her comfort again and again:

She explained, “When fear or uncertainty comes, it reminds me that God’s strength is all I need. He is with me, and He is for me. There is no greater comfort than knowing that God is by my side, fighting for me, guiding me through both the calm and the storm.”

Jacqueline with her family

3. Prayer and Discernment

Discernment for Jacqueline has always been a process rooted in prayer. In considering a move back to California, Jacqueline and her husband, Michael, sought God’s voice intentionally, stepping away from the busyness of daily life. “We carved out quiet spaces to listen to God,” she shared. “We prayed together, asked others to intercede on our behalf and waited for that sense of peace and clarity that only God can bring.”

Despite the fears of starting over in a new place, leaving behind Michael’s family in Chicago and saying goodbye to a close-knit community, they trusted God had a plan for the journey. And the connections Jacqueline built during her time in Chicago eventually led her to consider serving with Wycliffe!

She said, “The more I learned about the incredible impact of bringing God’s Word to people in their language, the more I knew this was something I wanted to be part of.”

Jacqueline with colleagues

4. Serving Alongside God’s People

When Jacqueline began serving with Wycliffe, the warmth and community she received from her colleagues was an unexpected joy.

Jacqueline also noticed the commitment that colleagues brought as they contributed to Bible translation. She explained, “It wasn’t just about doing a job — it was about being part of something so much bigger. These were people deeply committed to God’s work, and that kind of passion is contagious.”

5. Making an Impact

At Wycliffe we want everyone to encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand. God uses His people to accomplish this goal!

Jacqueline is excited to make a difference in the lives of people God has led to serve Him. By guiding a team that seeks to support Wycliffe staff, she has the opportunity to play a part in caring for people, ensuring they feel valued and supported.

She said, “Whether it’s through compensation, benefits or optimizing systems, we aim to create an environment where all staff can focus fully on their work without distraction.”

God is raising up local churches to take the lead in Bible translation for their own communities, countries and even entire regions, accelerating the pace like never before. We seek to contribute to, support, learn from and serve others with a spirit of humility and mutuality. Jacqueline said, “Our God is incredibly collaborative. He invites us to join Him in His story, in His mission.”

She concluded:

Ready to play a part in what God is doing around the world?

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