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Serve in Missions

Why I Serve With Wycliffe: Meet Stephanie

Jul 1, 2024
Stephanie standing in front of a presentation table at an event

Meet Stephanie! She first served with Wycliffe about 10 years ago when she participated in several short-term opportunities in Brazil.

She said, “The Lord had to pass me through different seasons of serving in different capacities, including serving as a missions pastor for seven years.”

Then in 2021, as Stephanie prayed over the possibility of making a ministry transition, she felt that God was leading her into a new season.

In her role, Stephanie has the opportunity to encourage churches in the U.S. to be part of what God is doing through Bible translation. She said, “It is a wonderful opportunity to be this bridge between the Church and the work of Bible translation … and truly speak to the hearts of pastors and church leaders and mobilize the Church to get involved in His amazing work.”

Right now God is using the global Church to impact the Bible translation movement in ways that we have never seen before in the history of the world!

Stephanie said, “The Church around the world is … leading the work of Bible translation so that people … can have access to God’s Word in a language that they understand.”

Wycliffe acts as a catalyst in the global Bible translation movement, engaging with hundreds of partners around the world. Stephanie said: “We believe that through prayer, through giving, through sending and through engaging in the work and in the mission that God established for the church, we will continue to push God’s Word forward until all the nations and language communities of the world have access to His Word and are transformed.”

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