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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Roger & Leanne Hanna
Roger serves as a Bible translation consultant and trainer. He also serves as a Field Programs consultant assisting Bible translation organizations...
Steve and Celene Johnson
Wycliffe wants to see: "Papua New Guineans knowing and living God's Word, leading to changed lives and transformed communities." That is why...
Jay and Carol Weaver
Jay and Carol are assigned to Wycliffe USA. Jay gives essential computer technical support to remote staff across the USA. He also helps...
Steve & Debbie Miller
Steve and Debbie have served with Wycliffe since 2001, and they first arrived in Papua New Guinea in 2014. Steve is part of the Edolo Bible...
Gerson & Katie Cal
Gerson and Katie serve in Guatemala with their four young children. Gerson has worked for the Guatemalan translation organization as a translator...
George & Wendy Payton
George & Wendy have served in the areas of Bible translation and training since 1982. Beginning in June 2020, George assumed a new ministry...
Jesse & Stephanie Workman
Thank you for your interest in the work of Bible Translation. The Workmans are currently serving in South Africa. They are assigned to the SIL...
Caleb & Anna Redfield
Caleb and Anna have been serving bibleless people in various roles for more than 15 years. Caleb works as a translation consultant to indigenous...
Rollins, Lily Kate
Lily Kate is excited to serve with Wycliffe in the role of Mobilizer. She’ll have the privilege of sharing with churches and universities in Texas...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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