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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Cassidy and Kari Isch
Cassidy and Kari have been missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators since 2014. In 2015 they moved to Papua New Guinea (PNG) and served in many...
Stubbs, Emma
Emma Stubbs has felt called to teaching for many years. She desires to serve God cross culturally by teaching her “people group”, Missionary Kids...
Donald & Wendy Tinsch
Wendy and Don Tinsch were brought up in a missions-minded church. They want to serve God wherever He desires to use them. The Tinsch family...
LaLani Wood
LaLani has served as a trainer and language project facilitator in Southeast Asia since 1987. She is interested in helping families engage with the...
Laura Robison
Laura works in South Sudan doing Scripture Engagement. This means she is able to assist language communities and churches in developing materials...
Dave & Nancy Wolfenden
Dave and Nancy Wolfenden are serving with Wycliffe and SIL in southeast Asia. Dave is working in digital publishing which involves preparing,...
Susan Hochstetler
Susan's scientific training and experience--and sharp eye for detail--help authors share accurate and engaging language and culture descriptions...
David & Stephanie Boogaard
Most of eastern Peru remains roadless. Aviation is vital to the continuing spread of the Gospel through Bible translation and discipleship. The...
Jay & Susan Jenkins
Jay and Sue Jenkins have worked as linguist-translators among the Wamey people in Senegal and Guinea, West Africa for over 30 years. Genesis and...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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